Saturday, February 26, 2005

The future is now

I was just informed that I won't be able to get into The Mercy Lounge to see "Big Gun" play. Dang! Instead, I will stay at home and baby-sit brother Zach. I'm sure we'll have a splendid time.

Earlier today, as I was reading Davis Kidd magazines with no intentions of buying them, I came across the SAE RECORDING INSTITUTE. It is a year long intense engineer training program with a hefty price tag. $15000!! Bollocks! One good thing though- SAE is an accredited school; so fortunately, I will be able to use financial aid towards my attendance. That price still sucks though- but, on the other hand, that includes all text books, an Apple iBook, and Protools LE. I guess ultimately, I'll have to see how much aid I can expect to get before I'll completely know whether I'm going or not. One bonus of going is that they assist graduating students with job placement... which is completely the bomb considering the fact that it would be a major rash to get placed without alumni help-literally (coins).

I upgraded from Cool Edit Pro 2.0 to Adobe Audition 1.5 today. I also ate a really good turkey sub. It was-a-nice (Ali G).

Well good luck to Matt tonight when he reveals his buttocks to his parents for the first time since childhood. Kel- make sure you get a good photo of his hairy butt....and try to get the penis too!!


Anonymous said...

What is Bollocks? - H!

Anonymous said...

one post every three weeks isn't half bad! - Heather!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to the 1 month mark...Kel