Allie and I have been having an ongoing debate. As the title suggests... is it wrong or right to steal donuts late at night from Kroger? Needless to say, I am a strong supporter of stealing them. At nine o'clock at night, if I don't "inherit" one of these donuts, they will all be thrown into a big trash can where they will be destroyed...mutilated...eaten by homeless losers that don't have homes (or helmets). Allie still insists that it is wrong and scolds me each time. Deep down, I feel that the majority of her anger comes from the fact that the wrapper has to be stored in her purse until we exit the store. There are two advantages to doing this: 1- The wrapper is kept safe and secret; 2- If we are caught, it would be pretty easy to blame it on her. "Look officer", I would say, "The wrapper was in HER bag!" Although I understand her pain, I really need to get opinions on this matter from outside folks. Please respond...please be swift. P.S. I am including a picture of a donut.
A more interesting question is how many points Allie deducts from the love bank each time she witnesses the thief in you.
It's wrong. You don't want some manager with loose skin and old balls giving you that adrenalized-draining feeling in the groin, so you may as well make them an offer to purchase the stale donuts at a discount. The potential for sale is always there as long as they're on the shelf. Some fat woman with loose skin could very easily walk in at 10PM looking to meet one to a dozen of her needs.
True...true. But that fat woman with loose skin shouldn't be buying a dozen donuts that late. So theoretically, I would be doing her a service by eating one of the donuts.
True...true. But that fat woman with loose skin shouldn't be buying a dozen donuts that late. So theoretically, I would be doing her a service by eating one of the donuts.
I would like to add a commet from my side of the story. I tell Jeff I understand his point everytime he steals the delicious, round delicacy. I hate that big fat Kroger(s) wastes food and doesn't give donuts out for free at night. But, stealing is wrong.- so I have been told. The thing I find particularly funny about the situation is that the Kroger manager thinks it is the hispanics that are stealing the late night treats...How do I know this? There is a sign ONLY in spanish stating that the donuts are non gratis. It isn't the poor, illegal mexicans! It is my cute, cracker, suburban boyfriend!!! No, I admit, when Jeff is chewing away on his stolen prize, he taunts me less. (usually he is loudly telling me I shouldn't give my six year old vodka so that other passer-bys can scowl at me) The thing I don't like is that he will sometimes push donut in my mouth to make me a culprit. But the worst is the next day in class when I rummage through my purse to find a pencil, THERE IT IS! Evidence! The donut wrapper with donut crumbs still in the folds! I am stuck with the evidence of Jeff's wrongdoing. I guess if I ever get caught, I can always say,"No habla espanol." I, on the other hand, do not steal...I have found a loop hole...I eat grapes...not all of them, just some. This is not stealing, but it is discounting so Jeff can pay less. No points have been deducted from the love bank on account of his stealing...Points are only deducted when he tells me I should not leave my 2 month old infant home when I go bar hopping...while we are waiting in line at checkout.
I'll have to agree with Kel in that your actions are indeed theft. But you're not really uping the costs of my future groceries, so who gives a rat's ass.
I try to steer clear of donuts, but have absolutely no guilt over pocketing a jumbo sized tabasco on my way out of work. Oh, and those huge hefty garbage bags, no guilt what so ever - Heath
Jeffrey....This is written by Allie and dictated by Mrs. Peterson....Did you know that all of the day old products such as donuts are given to United Ministries the next day? The Catholic Church then donates this food (usually a bag of food) to a poor family. So whenever you get the five finger discount, a poor child doesn't get a donut and cries. Shame. Shame on you!
-Allie and Allie's mother(who you talk dirty to on the phone!)
Jeeze. Makes me wonder if I robbed some poor homeless kids of raincoats when I 'pursed' those garbage bags
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