Sunday, May 28, 2006

New Blog

I've updated my blog to look current with the times (nature). Thanks for your time.

Saturday, May 27, 2006


Since we’re not Mr. Spock, savings tricks can prove mighty helpful. Here are some of the things MSN Money readers say they do to get themselves to put aside a little extra (

"Pad your accounts. If you use personal finance software, you can just enter a check to yourself for $300 -- or $500, or $1,000, or whatever you want your pad to be. The check needn’t actually exist or ever be cashed, but the software will treat it as an outstanding obligation and deduct it from your balance."

Jeff's Thoughts

This is lame. Is this not simply another way for people to misbehave when it comes to their checkbooks? "I'll write a fake check that makes me think I have less money. That way, when I overspend and bounce a check....I only think I did. Thanks, "fake check". Just lame. You're fixing the sympton, not the illness. (Thanks for the call)

“What I have done is to add $300 to my checking account, but not include it into the balance,” wrote Gregory Hannon, a utilities administrator for the city of Longview, Wash. “Basically, the money is hidden. . . . This is my way of making sure that should it happen that I write a check without the funds (according to the checking account balance), then I know I am covered."

Jeff's Thoughts

Call me stupid, but isn't this the exact same suggestion..just reversed? Either way, this is lame.

"Cull your bills. Here’s a twist on the classic savings tip of dumping your change in a jar: set aside certain denominations, such as fives or tens, whenever they make their way into your wallet."

Jeff's Thoughts

This is actually a good idea. I do this a lot. It is a nice way to go out to dinner or change your oil without having to feel fire on the backside of your britches.

"Realize your rebates. Several posters recommended saving the money you get from rebates, shopping sales or using coupons and club cards at grocery stores."

Jeff's Thoughts

Oh, come on! If you want to save money, just save it. Why do people have to plot out these elaborate saving plans. When you get a paycheck direct-deposited into your account, setup a separate savings account or money market fund that automatically transfers X percent on the day of your deposit.

"Grocery stores tend to make this easy; they often print on the receipt exactly how much you saved. You can transfer that exact amount to a savings account or, if you still write checks, you can make one out for the amount of the savings and deposit that -- or simply round up."

Jeff's Thoughts

Good lord; these people are creative. I guess whatever gets you saving is the key. In the last few years, I've read A LOT of finance books. Lately though, I've realized that I'm basically reading the same book over and over. This stuff just isn't that hard to do. It reminds me of all the different diet books. In the end, what is the real way to lose weight? Don't each so much and exercise. How do you save? Save your money.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Christianity and Harry Potter

"…It is neither absurd, nor laughable, to suppose that the Harry Potter books might lead some children into the world of occultism since the series contains actual beliefs and practices associated with witchcraft and paganism, including: divination, astrology, numerology, familiars, pagan gods/goddesses, spellcasting, potions, necromancy (i.e., communicating with the dead/ghosts), mediumship/channeling, crystal gazing, palmistry, charms, arithmancy and magick…" (p. 173; Harry Potter and the Bible).

...This stuff makes my blood boil. What is it about well received books or other media that attract so much criticism? Jealousy maybe? Who knows. The quote above is from a book called "Harry Potter and the Bible"; the author, Richard Abanes, references all the ways in which Harry Potter has created a cult for future witches and wizards. Even as I write this, I take a brief second to giggle. Somebody should tell this guy that jealousy, or envy, is a sin. The crazy thing is that more and more people are jumping on board this "Harry Potter bashing wagon". The irony is in the fact that the majority of these losers have never even read the book. One woman, a member of the DOC (Daughters of the Church), slashed the novels and is currently on a crusade to have the books taken out of all school libraries. Instead, she recommended that novels such as "Lord of the Rings" and "The Chronicles of Narnia" be emphasized instead. Geeze! No witchcraft or weirdness there! After being interviewed, she admitted that she had, in fact, never read the books. So, it would be safe to assume that she plagiarizes the words and ideas of her pastor and deems them as her own. Does she have any thoughts of her own on this matter or does she just enjoy being a sheep following the big black dog?

Lets totally disregard the fact that J.K. Rowling has single handedly jump started active reading for millions upon millions of children...and adults for that matter. Lets totally disregard the fact that the books are about good triumphing over evil. Lets totally disregard the fact that the story is unbelievably engaging. No; we should only focus on brief instances in the books where Harry might talk back to a teacher or tell a lie. Oh lord....he is taking an astronomy class. Devil's work! The fact that Harry and his friends are wizards are merely a vehicle to get people curious and reading the books. The real theme of the novels are about goodness and sacrifice...kinda like the stuff Jesus did.

Did we not all grow up with "The Wizard of Oz"? Why are the fanatics not working to get that thrown out? Witchcraft? Yes. Disobeying and lies?? Yes. Careful Dorothy, the DOC may be after you honey.

I think the head of the cultural arts division for the Vatican said it best when he stated:

"I think the people that try to find the devil in Harry Potter are the very people who find the devil in everything, and that is not a good way to live your life."


This is so Cute

Nintendo Stock

Time to buy some juice.... polled its readers from 5/15 to 5/18 on four key questions related to all the big E3 announcements. The site used 294 responses to come to the following figures.

Responding to the question of which hardware has their greatest interest, 68.8% said Wii. PS3 grabbed 21.0%, ahead of Xbox 360's 7.2% and the DS's 3.0%. All hardware, current generation and next, was included in the survey.

A bit more directly, Famitsu asked survey takers which hardware they expect to win the next generation race. The Wii won this vote at 73.0%, with PS3 coming in second at 22.6% and Xbox 360 getting 4.4%

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Slap Guitar and Politics

Here is an update on some of the guitar stuff I'm working on right now. This guy is so good. I almost have it down too....couple of more weeks maybe.

To document this date: Today will be Zachary's first "last day of school". Let us all be thinking of how good that must feel and drop him a line at

I found myself yesterday getting into an online argument with an old friend over politics. That stuff is just evil! Anyways, he was being the typical raging college liberal attacking the republican president because he was raised to do that very thing. We can't attack him for this; most people are, to some extent, exactly the same way whether it be in reference to religion, politics, or fruit. I found it hilarious that this college kid, who pays no taxes at all, was eviscerating the president for proposing tax cuts again. Now obviously, whether or not these tax cuts actually stunted the economy's recovery is debatable. I noted that it is quite possible that the reason our economy didn't crash as badly in 2001 as it did in the 30s could very well be a product of those said tax cuts. Never-the-less, this could be discussed further. It was his view that since we are slashing funding for so many programs, such as education, we are in no place to receive tax breaks. Although this is very true and I tent to agree with it, I can't help but hold the viewpoint that, because I am a driver livings off tips and am, consequently, paying virtually no taxes at all, I have absolutely no say in anything when it relates to taxes. Thirty years from now when I have made my first million, I would love to have back some of the money that me and my millionaire peers (97% of taxes paid by us) paid in. I would also like to step on the lowly college boys who want to take my preciously hard earned money away from me while they continue to pay nothing and plagiarize their professor's words. You see, in this country, we reward the lazy and penalize the hard-working. At least for my lifetime, it has always been this way.

"Hey Marissa, you worked your tail off through high school and got into college. Here is your $40,000 bill." - - "Hey Sandrika, you did nothing in high school. Welcome to college...all expenses paid....and by the way, here is a little spending money for you and your baby."

Now if most millionaires were simply those who inherited large sums of money, the idea that they should have to give a bit more could be more understandable. But considering the fact that 70% of all millionaires are first generation.......that simply means that they WORKED while the rest of you were playing the lottery. Who better to penalize than the best of our country.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Jeff-Zach Discussion wrote: Hey Zach,
> I thought we could go to a celebratory movie after your
> last day of school on Thursday. Would you like to do
> that? We can still go bowling that night. You pick the
> movie and the candy.
> Bye,
> Jeffrey
> wrote:

Look man, I've a plethora of school-related demands
> this week. Can we move it to next week? I'm just
> under alot of pressure and mental torment right
> now.... Im sure you understand.
> ZachM.

Although I highly suspect that mom or Heather had a hand in this, it was still funny. To imagine that coming from a six year old! Reminds me of something Stewie would say.

By the way.....Family Guy is the funniest cartoon I've ever seen. Ten times funnier than Southpark. Good times.

Go Home Homeboy

Props to Gammy for discovering this gem.

P.S. (Not You Sophie) : Check back in a day or so for an India Arie update. I should be meeting with Shannon, aka. jivetalker, on Thursday.

P.P.S (Not You Sophie): Since everyone and their sister is obsessed with this show, "Lost", I decided to check it out. The first episode is pretty intense. I am highly considering buying the season...but 50 b's!! Anyone see it that would like to share? Does anyone even read this god forsaken blog?