Here is an update on some of the guitar stuff I'm working on right now. This guy is so good. I almost have it down too....couple of more weeks maybe.
To document this date: Today will be Zachary's first "last day of school". Let us all be thinking of how good that must feel and drop him a line at zacharymedic6@yahoo.com.
I found myself yesterday getting into an online argument with an old friend over politics. That stuff is just evil! Anyways, he was being the typical raging college liberal attacking the republican president because he was raised to do that very thing. We can't attack him for this; most people are, to some extent, exactly the same way whether it be in reference to religion, politics, or fruit. I found it hilarious that this college kid, who pays no taxes at all, was eviscerating the president for proposing tax cuts again. Now obviously, whether or not these tax cuts actually stunted the economy's recovery is debatable. I noted that it is quite possible that the reason our economy didn't crash as badly in 2001 as it did in the 30s could very well be a product of those said tax cuts. Never-the-less, this could be discussed further. It was his view that since we are slashing funding for so many programs, such as education, we are in no place to receive tax breaks. Although this is very true and I tent to agree with it, I can't help but hold the viewpoint that, because I am a driver livings off tips and am, consequently, paying virtually no taxes at all, I have absolutely no say in anything when it relates to taxes. Thirty years from now when I have made my first million, I would love to have back some of the money that me and my millionaire peers (97% of taxes paid by us) paid in. I would also like to step on the lowly college boys who want to take my preciously hard earned money away from me while they continue to pay nothing and plagiarize their professor's words. You see, in this country, we reward the lazy and penalize the hard-working. At least for my lifetime, it has always been this way.
Now if most millionaires were simply those who inherited large sums of money, the idea that they should have to give a bit more could be more understandable. But considering the fact that 70% of all millionaires are first generation.......that simply means that they WORKED while the rest of you were playing the lottery. Who better to penalize than the best of our country.
Jeffrey would have posted one of the many pictures of him slapping me, but they come out too fuzzy. It is hard for him to slap with one hand while capturing the moment in the other. Alas, he found a likeness.
That reminds me of this tasty line from your page:
I try to do what he says because I don't want a repeat of what happened last time.
Special K
I think it is great that everyone has avoided the political issue and, instead, focused on a picture I got off of images.google.
That's because you sound like Laura Ingram. ;-)
Yeah right.....I hate that woman. She is the worst of all of them.
The racial overtones of your college example are telling. I know of no white girl with the name shandrika.
I do....Shandrika Watson.
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