I thought it would be fun to, every month or so, update my current media interests. It would be nice if everyone reading this would post a comment with their current interests also. Here are mine.
"Song Stuck In Your Head": "Slow Dancing In A Burning Room", John Mayer
"Favorite Recently Read Book" "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", J. K. Rowling
"Favorite TV Show of the Year"(Tie) "Project Runway" & "The Office", Bravo and NBC, respectively
"Most Repeated Movie Watches of the Year" "Rounders", Matt Damon, Edward Norton
"Favorite Take-Down Line" "Tell someone, 'You have something in your nose'...then immediately walk away."
"Looking Forward To" "Nintendo Wii and new Zelda"
"Last returned item" "Digital Camera returned after rented for Disney World vacation"
...Now your turn.
"Song Stuck In Your Head":
Just Another Game, Jeff Way. No Lie!
"Favorite Recently Read Book"
Walden, Thoreau
"Favorite TV Show of the Year
The Office, HANDS DOWN
"Most Repeated Movie Watches of the Year"
No Repeats this year.
"Looking Forward To"
Selling this damned house and paying cash for a much cheaper condo.
"Last returned item"
Expensive Hiking backpack for babies after long sweaty walk in the woods with D
"Song Stuck In Your Head":
Dance Magic dance... not the entire song, just that same line repeatedly
"Favorite Recently Read Book"
The Firm, again
"Favorite TV Show of the Year
Dog the bounty hunter
"Most Repeated Movie Watches of the Year"
A Beautiful Mind
"Looking Forward To"
Packing a few essentials and heading out
"Last returned item"
Performed a successful Wal-swap on a 2yr old drive for James' computer. Most recently returned a veggie burger to Burger King after telling the pleb three times "no mayo".
I totally understand the "dance magic dance". For some reason, that song is as catchy as herpes. Beautiful Mind has been your most repeated movie watch since 2001!
"Song Stuck in your Head":
The rap from the begining of Office Space, but in Trash's voice.
"Favorite Recently Read Book":
The Mammoth Book of the History of Murder (mostly because it worries Jeffrey)
"Favorite TV Show of the Year":
The Office and Project Runway (Thank you Jeff)
"Most Repeated Movie Watches of the Year":
Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire
"Looking forward to":
Getting out of class
"Last Returned Item":
Clothing...well selling some of my large collection back...Plato's Closet gave me a whole $13.20. I then promptly spent it all.
I pop A Beautiful Mind in probably 6 out of every 7 nights of sleep. Charlotte puts me to sleep.
Plato's Closet is the honest approach. Try bringing your clothing directly back to WalMart for a better thrill. K
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