Thursday, November 17, 2005


Well I figured it was about time to make a new post. I know all of you have been restlessly checking back every day for updates. Yesterday, I was informed that Thanksgiving will be held at my tiny one bedroom apartment. This makes a lot of sense though sadly, helmets will not be provided for the dinner. Tonight, I get the joy of knowing that I have to help move Matt...again... bright and early tomorrow.

Still debating over whether I should get the new XBOX 360. On one hand, I wanna be waiting at midnight the night before so I can get one with all the other nerds that don't have girlfriends. Nerds were doing it thirty years nerds are doing it again. On the other hand, I wanna say, "Screw you guys....I'm going home." (Cartman).

Yesterday, while everyone was trying to fit lunch and dinner plans into their schedule.......well let me put it this way......those lunch and dinner plans were my schedule. I have included photos of said meals. preeche

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know about you mom, but I'm grateful for the hideous photo of me!

Kel, boy with bowl.