Kel and I just got back from dinner. This place called Levousdre has every single alcoholic beverage ever made. What did Jeff and Kel get? Anyone....anyone? More Kriek Lindemans. These things are the bomb and are so choice. Both of us had about 100 centileters...which is enough to get a pretty good buzz.
While ordering two crab lasagnas, we experienced the hot feeling when the waiter DOESN'T speak English. "Parlez-vous anglais" doesn't work when they don't speak ENGLISH. I felt sweat forming in the cracks of my forehead as he kept asking questions which we couldn't answer. At that point, we searched for the only words we knew. "Wey" was spoken many times in that thirty second conversation. You get to a point where you don't really care what they bring you...you just desperately want them to leave.
Tomorrow will be my first day on my own. I had mentioned something about flying to Egypt while Kel was at work, but I don't think I have the guts....but what a thing to have done!
Also during dinner, I was grateful for the fact that these two women next to us were making fun of us (in French) as we searched through my "Pocket Guide to French Phrases" for "check please". Needless to say, those girls are no longer living in Belgium. I guess one could say that the two girls USED to make fun of us.
It is now time for the funniest show ever made: The Office. Bye
I worry about that first day on your own. Take your brother's advice and don't stray too far. I would say Egypt is not a great idea. "Jeffrey in Egypt" just doesn't have it a romance novels go. Good luck to Kel this week and Jeff, focus on survival. Trash and Jingle are having a blast. They are so exhausted by bedtime. Zach is running a high fever again and earache. Home tomorrow I'm afraid. Surely he's too young for the thermometer in the glass of hot water under the bed trick! Be careful you two. Love, Mom
Previous comment erroneously attributed to Jeffre.
I knew this was going to happen....too many drinks and two many women....What's next? Your premiere on Americans Gone Wild: Belgium??? You will definately be a different boy be the time you get back...(sighh) You prolly shouldn't go to Egypt...you might accidently sell yourself into slavery and have to build a pyramid. Allie
By the way, the Steelers beat the Bengals 31 to 17 so next week is Indianapolis! Ugh! Mom
I like the way you spelt "Oui" phonetically....Just caught on to that....That's cute- you silly little American. Allie
That was actualy his best attempt, Allie. No lie! This guy is so dang uncultured! He was still wiping the powder from his nostrils this morning. Kel
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