...and totally redeem themselves! I kept saying to myself, "I just want some quality, a burger, and a nice atmosphere." Well Liege has come through for me. Just to say that I did, I ate here for lunch today. You can only eat so many mystery dishes before you just want something concrete. I want to know what I'm getting gosh-darnit. Sadly...I failed again. I don't know how this happens, because I am not ordering wrong. I've considered the possibility that this is just a big game that all the Belgians do to foreigners. "Deux aye Coca-Cola." You would think this was the Number 2 burger with coke. Instead, I got two hotdogs with a coke. I'm not that angry because it was rather good, but I seriously shouldn't have to deal with this.

With the help of Kel's GPS system, I did not get lost...I just got really far away somehow.
This is bullshit! I read this blog daily and just get really angry at the fact I never get to travel anymore thanks to the boy. Have lots of fun and bring me some party favors... - Heather!
Love the Dumb and Dumber reference. Your posts are the highlight of my day - very entertaining and (well written). I'm glad Kel finally ot a GPS system that works. The one we had in Hawaii kept telling us we were in the ocean.
Sorry about the misplaced () and spelling error (meant to say "got"). I have to type with one hand while holding onto Dylan with the other. Not easy.
Stop whining and sleeping wife!!!
Husband - you owe me one full night of Dylan duty for that last comment. For the record, I've gotten about 10 hours of broken sleep since you left for American-loathing European territories four days ago. Poor D is doing some serious teething and he's miserable. My heart aches for him while my mind tries to remember the mental exercises from "The Positive Thinker" book and my body tries not to give out on me.
Well, it seems I also owe Magotteaux a few more 12 hour days, so we'll see how it goes. Take a hot bath and wrap a hot towel around your head. I'm going to call you now to offer a sympathetic ear nothing more.
wrap a hot towel around her head??? hah
You must tell me if you played in the multi-colored jungle gym....If you didn't, I am severely dissappointed in you...Allie
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