Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Click on my "My Music" tab; this song is about as truthful as I can be. This is the best thing I've ever done. I don't do many lyrical songs, so listen up.

Pen and Paper
I'm alone once again
Another failed attempt
Oh what's the use
Is it all just a game
Some foolish game
We're meant to lose
Always end up right back here
Oh talk about de ja vu
Holding my guitar
The same way I held a girl

With a pen and paper
Ending you and me
A pen and paper
Ending you and me

Imagine for a sec
That with a pen
I'd rewrite my past
And all those painful memories
Swept away into the sea
And you would still be right next to me
Whispering I love you in my ear
And all would be forgiven
And I won't be forgotton

With a pen and paper
Changing history
For you and me
A pen and paper
Changing you and me

I can lie for a while
Live in a world
That is one step off
'Cause when I read my poetry
Life ain't so hard for me
The hurt is gone
It isn't such a healthy thing to do
But don't tell me what to do
'Cause I've been waiting on a phone
A ring that'll never come


...On a lighter note. Online Mario Kart DS rocks. Bye
Anonymous said...

Did something happen that we don't know about yet? :-(

Jeffrey J Way said...

No, had a nightmare about it.

Anonymous said...

P.S. Jeff and I have something to tell you all.


Anonymous said...

I knew it! Boy or girl?!

Jeffrey J Way said...


Anonymous said...

I am not with child. I find

Anonymous said...

Sorry about that lst comment. An animal stepped on the keyboard. I was going to say:

I find it humurous all the same that Jeff still decided a gender to the "child."
