What is it about lowly losers at movie theatres that feel the need to hit on my woman. Last night will make the fourth time I have had to deal with it; let me explain. Allie decided to take me out for a movie last night as a way of saying thank you for still staying with her despite the ear wax problem that we are all aware of. As we get to the concessions counter, I order a large coke and my woman, for some strange reason, decided to order nachos. - For the time being, I will avoid discussing her reasoning behind this choice.- As she pulled out her wallet, a 15 year old foreign kid raises his hands, making the "I didn't do it" gesture, and says, "I can't do that for you. He should do it." Now part of me wanted to snap at him and say, "Hey, how does it feel to net less than five dollars an hour." But alas, I decided to play the loser boyfriend role: "I'm still trying to find a job.", I say to the young lad. Later, after the foreign boy-we'll call him Juan- returned with the nachos, he asked Allie, "Would you like any jalapenos with your nachos?" She denies...and what does this bastard say!!?? "Yeah, you're hot enough already." I didn't actually hear this because I was still talking about applying for a job at Kroger if they'll have me. Allie told me later on the way to the theatre. Can you believe that! And as far as he is concerned, I took it up the butt. He didn't know that I didn't hear him. This almost ruined the entire movie for me. Something very similar has occurred on our last three outings to movies. Strangely, they all somehow revolve around me being a loser and Allie getting hit on. I could get mad at this stuff and start a fight, or I could just play the complete loser that makes these boys think, "What is she doing with him."
That's good fun... Speaking of taking it up the butt, you'll have to get Michelle to tell you about the guy at Green Hills Grille who used to openly hit on her in front of me. I remember him bringing her some crab cakes or something for free, and he told her it was because "he could" (kind of a peacock maneuver to show he was powerful). I have this memory of just looking at him saying, Thanks -- and meaning it. It wasn't until later that night that it really sank in that I was being played for a fool by an 18 year old waiter.
Just wanted you to know that it runs in the family. But your new-age politically-correct let-the-girl-pay stunt is deplorable. Girls are mere trophies. They're not even supposed to have any of their own money.
Amen Kel! Someone forward this to the boy! I got a good laugh out of this post and I needed a good laugh today. "...if they'll have me!"
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