Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Once upon a time, Kel and I were forced to leave a movie theatre because some Chinese punk was practicing ghost punches..eventually intended for our faces. Click the link below and you will see what our Chinese friend ended up doing to a pimp. That could have been us!


Anonymous said...

I thought you found a picture of that guy but he's white as my briefs. -K

Just kidding - I wear boxers.

Anonymous said...

Wish you were here Jeff... Sydney is a cool place.

Jeffrey J Way said...

Woulda been fun. How was your flight? Have you talked to Angoose yet?

Jeffrey J Way said...

By the way, if you happen to find "Little Miss Sunshine" at one of the theatres...go see it!! The movie is so hilarious. It kinda has that classic "Office" awkward moment feel to a lot of it. Really good.

Anonymous said...

The flight really wasn't that bad. When you know it's going to be 15 hours, you deal with it. If I was told after arriving in Belgium that I had another 7 to go, however, I'd kill myself.

I just got back from the central Sydney area...opera house, IMAX theater, Aquarium, etc. I wish I wasn't so tired because there is so much to see!

Anonymous said...

Nice new songs, btw. I like the flip side!