First and foremost, I want to announce that this is Allie. The same Allie that is dating Jeffrey. I would like to relate a particularly funny event to you all in blogland. I triumphantly embarrassed Jeffrey. It was a lovely autumn afternoon and Jeff decided to take me to the mall...more specificly to EB Games. As we browsed around, Jeffrey admitted to me in a hushed voice that he was only there to buy Season 4 of Star Trek: Next Generation. I detected that he was slightly embarrassed by this and decided to roll with it. As we approached the counter to pay, Jeff didn't put his find proudly on the counter, but waited until the cashier asked if he needed anything. The scene is as follows:
Allie: "Oh, he wants to buy another Star Trek DVD. You see, he has one at home, but he needs a travel copy for the conventions he goes to."
(Jeffrey blushes and mumbles a negation.)
Allie: "Actually, he was looking for Project Runway, but he couldn't find it."
(Jeffrey tries to tell the guy at the counter that I am only kidding.)
Allie: "Oh, Please! You are such a Trekkie! I had to convince him not to wear his Vulcan ears out in public today."
*Meanwhile the cashier is laughing at Jeff and saying that I am just dissing him hard today and for Jeff not to be embarrassed because lots of guys love Next Generation. Jeff then subscribes to a membership where he got a nifty card, a discount, and two totally awesome GAMER MAGAZINES!!!!
Allie: "Uh oh! With those magazines, you will NEVER come out of the bathroom now!"
Jeff, in retailiation, tells me I'm only allowed a small drink at the coffee shop.
As we left, Jeffrey discussed with me that I have been very bad. He was a brighter red than I have EVER seen. Then it happened.
Cashier: "Hey man, have a good day and don't let it get to you! Most trekkies don't even have girlfriends!"
At this point, Jeff put a death grip on my hand and refused to humor me. He later explained that the last time he went to purchase a Next Generation DVD, that same cashier rang it up for him. Also, he tried to go the night before to purchase it, but seeing that the same guy that sold him Season 3 was working again, he decided it was not worth it if he recognized Jeff. This made it even more funny to see Jeffrey's face once he came back the following afternoon. Hoping he would find a fresh face, Jeffrey, to his dismay, saw the same guy.
He also reexplained that he wasn't a trekkie and it is a great show. After this explaination, there was an extended silence. It was worth it.
Thanks Allie...Just what I needed after a 14 hour work day.
I didn't even know this about my brother. He graduated from Dawson's Creek and that's most important.
Just wanted to confess that I just finished up with a classic Trek episode. In case you were wondering, it was the one where they discovered a new other-worldly material that shatters as soon as you touch it. So sweeeeet. K
I've never watched the original series....a little to sci-fi old school for me. I can only get into the Next Generation episodes.
Dude you're on crack today. I haven't understood anything you've wriiten. What is exxxxxxxxxxxxxy?
Never mind...figured it out. Peace to you as well.
It was ewwwwwww. Jackass II was undoubtedly the nastiest hunk of garbage I've ever laid eyes on. Well, there were some funny bits (when JK dresses up as the old guy), but I've never seen so much nasty male ass in my life. Just gross as all hell. The guy who gulped the horse semen literally made me throw up in my mouth. K
It's the Vulcan greeting you loser!
And that's a Vulcan ear.
Allie - you're my hero.
I'm surprised you didn't say anything about the symbol for a vulcan ear:
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