Sunday, December 31, 2006
Donnie Darko
The funniest thing about this movie is the music they play in the background every time Patrick Swayze is on camera. Just watch it.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
This kid is hilarious. The best part is the last few seconds when the kid tells the guy, "Get outta here" after telling him to head for the mountains.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Friday, December 15, 2006
I Won
I randomly entered this "Rock For Tots" contest hosted by Baldwin Entertainment (Artist Development company). I sent them an mp3 of this song I wrote a while back called "Pave The Way". I had totally forgotten about it, but today I got a call notifying me that I was the winner! I'll be playing at Douglas Corner tomorrow (Saturday, the 16th) around 8-9. Sometime in January, they are going to pay for me to go record at Sound Emporium Studios.
P.S. Allie and I bought our clothes for the Christmas card. It is gonna be hilarious.
P.S. Allie and I bought our clothes for the Christmas card. It is gonna be hilarious.
Thursday, December 07, 2006

Hiya everyone. It is Allie again. I found it necessary to catch everyone up on the events that Jeff neglects to write about.
1. Jeff has informed me that he doesn't really like me but he stays with me because his mom said it was his Christian duty to do so.
2. Jeff said the indian food was okay. I really liked it. Jeff said it tasted good but did not "Quench his hunger."
3. There has been some very foul smells coming from the other side of the couch tonight. My theory is either Trash is having a hard time digesting all those pizza crusts we gave him or Jeff can't hold his Indian food.
Merry Christmas, ALLIE
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Student Loans Are Evil
As the title says, I hate them. I could kill myself for taking those loans out when I was 18-19. Ideally, if you could take that money and just let it sit in a money-market account until you graduate, all would be great. But nobody who doesn't make a ton of money can do that. I hate it so much that I keep my student loan account separate from my other accounts in Quicken. I keep them in their own file so that I don't have to see all this "red" every time I look at my finances. Balls!
On a lighter note, I'm making good money off of my Ebay "project".
On a lighter note, I'm making good money off of my Ebay "project".
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
"You Are Everything" Is Out. "Love Prevails" Is In
I put up a new song as the blog backround song. It is kind of a sweet lullabyesque song. It is 90% finished. I'm still having a couple problems with the muddy bass and a few vocal things. It is called "Love Prevails (A Lullaby)". I recommend listening with headphones. The computer internal speakers just suck.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Lots of Stuff
I go back to work today...buttocks!!
"Love", formerly known as "I Owe You", is done. For the acoustic cd, I'm really going for a soothing kind of sound. I'd liken it to the type of music you'd want to listen to on one of those long car drives in middle of the night when you're full of thought. I hope everyone likes it. This particular song even has cello on it, which sounds great.
It appears that the Aveeno does work, Kel. My face is clearer than it has been in years. Plus, what a great feeling when you put it on after washing your face. You get that cool and fresh sensation that everyone loves.
Mom and Damon want to have everyone make Christmas cards out of their pictures. That way, you can use text to add to the humor.
"Love", formerly known as "I Owe You", is done. For the acoustic cd, I'm really going for a soothing kind of sound. I'd liken it to the type of music you'd want to listen to on one of those long car drives in middle of the night when you're full of thought. I hope everyone likes it. This particular song even has cello on it, which sounds great.
It appears that the Aveeno does work, Kel. My face is clearer than it has been in years. Plus, what a great feeling when you put it on after washing your face. You get that cool and fresh sensation that everyone loves.
Mom and Damon want to have everyone make Christmas cards out of their pictures. That way, you can use text to add to the humor.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Thanksgiving: 2006

In the end, he started gettting dizzy and blurry-eyed. He began giving the photographer the "sexy eyes".

Sunday, November 19, 2006
The quality of sound that I'm getting from my recordings with this new gear is ten times better than before. I love it. I just finished the first song, "Pen and Paper" last night. This is the first song I've done where I listen to it all the way through and I don't hear a single thing I would have liked to change. The vocals are spot on, the guitars are all right. I'm still deciding on whether to upload songs now or whether to wait until I'm finished with everything. I think I might wait.
The Nintendo Wii is awesome. I can't wait to show everyone. Damon is gonna love the golf game. You swing the controller like a golf club.
The Nintendo Wii is awesome. I can't wait to show everyone. Damon is gonna love the golf game. You swing the controller like a golf club.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
"Protovision, I Have You Now"
I finally got my computer. After driving up 45 minutes to pick it up after they kept it for a month and a half, the bastards gave me the wrong computer! It was another customer's G5. The crazy thing is that since I had never been on this computer before, I logged on and noticed that it was completely not the computer I ordered. It was supposed to have 1.5 gigs of ram and a 250 gig hard drive. This one did I thought the Ebay seller screwed me!! I started sending him hate mail and began opening a claim against him on Paypal. After browsing around the computer for a little while, I suddenly realized: "This is somebody else's computer." I was so pissed. COMP USA employees are butt-punk-poopies.
-k bye
"Pen and Paper" is done. One down
-k bye
"Pen and Paper" is done. One down
Friday, November 17, 2006
Nintendo Wii and Profits
So, I ended up selling the Playstation 3 for $1650. That comes out to $930 in profit for waiting in life for twenty minutes. Not too shabby. Prices are probably going to go even higher as Christmas approaches.
I got to play "Excite Truck" for the Nintendo Wii today. That machine is amazing. The controller is so just turn the controller like you would a steering wheel to make the car turn. I love it and will have one for everyone to try out on Thanksgiving.
I will upload Kaisa videos later today from my computer. It is finally fixed; I get to go pick it up right now! Wahoo!
I got to play "Excite Truck" for the Nintendo Wii today. That machine is amazing. The controller is so just turn the controller like you would a steering wheel to make the car turn. I love it and will have one for everyone to try out on Thanksgiving.
I will upload Kaisa videos later today from my computer. It is finally fixed; I get to go pick it up right now! Wahoo!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Playstation 3 Is My Friend
Friday morning, when the PS3 comes out, I will pick the system up and drive it to a predetermined location. It is at this location that a switch will be made. I will slowly hand over the system, a mysterious man will slowly hand over $1500. This is about as close to "dealing drugs" as I will ever get. When all is said and done, I will have made about $800 just by waiting outside of a store for thirty minutes. I like to think of it this way: That thirty minutes of waiting gave me a free Nintendo Wii with Zelda and Excite Truck along with $500. I probably could have gotten a hundred or so more for it off of ebay, but once you factor in about 10% in fees from Ebay and Paypal at the end of sale, I end up right around $ I don't have to worry about shipping it. Ever since Vegas, I find myself thinking about putting it all on black in Tunica.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Bastard Week
Do you ever have one of those situations where you feel that you're being so nice to a person, but they are just treating you like you are the most evil person to walk the planet? I've had that with THREE different people this week!
First: I bought and sold an M-Audio Project Mix on Ebay. The winner won it Friday night. On Saturday morning, I tried to mail it, but they closed at 12:00 and I wasn't able to do in time. I emailed him and told him that it would go out first thing Monday morning...which it did. Because he didn't receive it on Tuesday or Wednesday, he files a claim and sends me these emails stating that I am lying and scamming him. I responded with, "Sir, the mail must be going a bit slower because we are nearing the holidays. Here is the tracking number so that you know exactly when it was mailed out. You should have it soon." He won't accept that it is in the mail. He is convinced that I have scammed him and that the tracking number I sent was probably for a pack of "bubblegum". Does the idiot really think that I am going to accept a Paypal payment and then not send it when I know that they can just retract the payment from my account. This is the worst buyer I've ever dealt with in my life. To give you an idea, he sent me an email yesterday stating that he has an "investigator" working on the case right now. It has been 4 days since I mailed it! I can't handle stuff like this.
Second The computer that I brought into Comp USA over a month ago is STILL not fixed. Everytime I call, they treat me like I am an absolute jerk to expect my computer. They say, "Sir. It is stil not fixed. We are waiting on the part." For a month guys?? They are so rude.
Third I sold my ibook a month ago to a girl for her husband who is currently in Iraq. She wanted to pay half immediately, take the computer, and then pay the other half a week later. I really didn't want to do this, but she seemed so nice and her husband had no computer out in I wanted to help. I agreed and obtained a copy of her driver's license, military id, and some other stuff just to make sure I didn't get screwed. It has now been a month and I still don't have my money. I finally emailed her and said, "This is ridiculous. Give me my money by next week or I am calling the police." Supposedly, there was a problem with the money order and it didn't get sent to me. They actually had the nerve to go off on ME for wanting my money. I can't possibly illustrate this more than copying the last conversation with her husband in Iraq. Just keep this in mind while reading: (1) I was so nice to them and gave a computer away without fully being paid for. (2) In a previous conversation with his wife, she apologized for never contacting me about my money. She must have told her husband that she had contact me though. (3) He actually thinks that it is my job to email him every day to get the status of where my money is. When I suggested that it is THEIR job to notify me, he went crazy. This is the classic situation where someone owes you money and says something along the lines of, "Oh, why didn't you remind me?" I hate that crap! I wanted to say, "This is the kind of behavior that fuels the belief that army guys are idiots." Here it is.
jacobraab 7:08 PM And I will get sarcastic
jacobraab 7:08 PM Im going to sit here
jeff_way 7:08 PM I really can't believe you guys
jacobraab 7:08 PM And let you talk trash, just cause we didn't "Update you"
jeff_way 7:08 PM You owe me $400!!!!
jeff_way 7:08 PM Do you not realize that!!
jacobraab 7:08 PM I dont care what you believe.
jacobraab 7:08 PM Yeah no kidding.
jeff_way 7:09 PM The two of you are so young
jacobraab 7:09 PM And
jacobraab 7:09 PM ?
jeff_way 7:09 PM It shows, man.
jeff_way 7:10 PM Instead of apologizing for making me wait a month for money that was promised in a week, the two of you attack me like I'm an asshole. Why? Because I wanted to know where my money was? Because I was worried that two eighteen years old had $400 of my money?
jacobraab 7:10 PM Im not 18yr
jeff_way 7:10 PM Well you act like it
jacobraab 7:10 PM Buddy.......
jeff_way 7:10 PM You have absolutely no right to be mad at me
jeff_way 7:10 PM What have I done to you??
jacobraab 7:11 PM Yeah I do
jeff_way 7:11 PM I gave you a computer that you didn't fully pay for
jacobraab 7:11 PM You get on here and attack money
jeff_way 7:11 PM I was nice to you, you bastard
jacobraab 7:11 PM attack me*
jacobraab 7:11 PM Fuck off
jacobraab 7:11 PM Dude..
jacobraab 7:11 PM You have no idea what you got ur self into
jacobraab 7:11 PM You wanna get on here
jacobraab 7:11 PM and bug me
jacobraab 7:11 PM Because we didnt UPDATE you?
jeff_way 7:11 PM Bug you?
jacobraab 7:11 PM First of all
jeff_way 7:11 PM I was ignored for a week
jacobraab 7:11 PM If we wanted to be real assholes
jeff_way 7:12 PM God forbid that I wonder where my money was
jacobraab 7:12 PM We dont have to pay you anything
jacobraab 7:12 PM For one
jacobraab 7:12 PM there was no contract
jeff_way 7:12 PM Yes you do!
jacobraab 7:12 PM We didnt sign anything
jeff_way 7:12 PM I will call the police right now
jacobraab 7:12 PM Go right ahead
jacobraab 7:12 PM What are you going to tell them?
jeff_way 7:12 PM You really want to screw me over?
jacobraab 7:12 PM No
jacobraab 7:12 PM I dont
jeff_way 7:12 PM Because I was nice to you
jacobraab 7:12 PM Im just saying
jeff_way 7:12 PM Tell me this..
jacobraab 7:12 PM We are going to pay you
jeff_way 7:12 PM what are you mad at me about?
jacobraab 7:12 PM what we owe u
jacobraab 7:12 PM Because man, you got on here accusing my wife and I
jacobraab 7:13 PM About how we didnt contact you
jacobraab 7:13 PM And we did
jacobraab 7:13 PM We did update you
jacobraab 7:13 PM You dont know how to answer your phone
jeff_way 7:13 PM When, man?
jacobraab 7:13 PM or check your voice mails
jeff_way 7:13 PM My phone has NO MESSAGES!
jeff_way 7:13 PM I don't even have any missed calls
jeff_way 7:13 PM Do you think I'm lying? Why would I lie about that, man?
jeff_way 7:14 PM Do you know what your wife did? She got on here and attacked me like I caused her to lose money.
jacobraab 7:14 PM I have no idea. But I know my wife wouldn't lie about trying to contact you
jeff_way 7:14 PM Not until the end of the conversation did she finally apologize
jacobraab 7:14 PM It's totally retarted.
jeff_way 7:14 PM which I appreciated
jacobraab 7:15 PM Yeah well acting like a dick aint going to get you your money any faster
jacobraab 7:15 PM hell calling the cops aint going to get you your money either.
jacobraab 7:15 PM But
jacobraab 7:15 PM we arent going to do that
jacobraab 7:15 PM We are going to pay you what we owe you
jacobraab 7:15 PM and that is 400 dollars
jeff_way 7:15 PM Then why bring it up?
jacobraab 7:15 PM so..
jacobraab 7:15 PM end of story
jeff_way 7:16 PM I don't even know why the hell I was nice to you
jacobraab 7:16 PM I dont know, you want to get all cocky
jeff_way 7:16 PM I've been so patient
jacobraab 7:16 PM about how we didnt update you
jeff_way 7:16 PM Look at it from my point of view....
jeff_way 7:16 PM I have no emails....and a money order that strangely didn't come to my address
jacobraab 7:16 PM Dude
jacobraab 7:16 PM I understand
jacobraab 7:16 PM Okay
jeff_way 7:16 PM Be objective a bit, man
jeff_way 7:16 PM What would you do in this situation?
jacobraab 7:16 PM All you have to do is ask me
jacobraab 7:17 PM I would contact that person and ask them
jacobraab 7:17 PM Thats all I would do.
jeff_way 7:17 PM That is exactly it, dude!
jeff_way 7:17 PM It is not my problem to contact you
jacobraab 7:17 PM You however
jacobraab 7:17 PM went on a rant
jacobraab 7:17 PM Yeah well
jeff_way 7:17 PM You guys should be bending over to contact ME
jacobraab 7:17 PM Fuck that
jacobraab 7:17 PM Suck my dick faggot
jeff_way 7:17 PM I can't believe you
jacobraab 7:17 PM I aint bending over backwards to do ntohing for you
jeff_way 7:17 PM Why not? I was nice to you
jacobraab 7:17 PM We owe you 400, and its going to get to you
jacobraab 7:17 PM end of story.
jeff_way 7:18 PM I gave you a computer a lot cheaper than I would somebody else
jacobraab 7:18 PM Yeah
jacobraab 7:18 PM well 1,000 wasnt even worht that computer
jeff_way 7:18 PM Just because you were in Iraq
jacobraab 7:18 PM Keys are sticking on it.
jacobraab 7:18 PM Shit was dirty when I got it.
jeff_way 7:18 PM The computer worked perfectly when I gave it to your wife
jacobraab 7:18 PM not a bad computer
jacobraab 7:18 PM But 1,000 seemed over priced
jeff_way 7:18 PM I polished that thing to perfection....
jeff_way 7:18 PM It must have gotten dirty in the mail
jacobraab 7:18 PM Well
jacobraab 7:19 PM anyways
jeff_way 7:19 PM You are so mean, man
jeff_way 7:19 PM I was so nice to you and you call me a "fuckin faggot"
jacobraab 7:19 PM 400, by the 15th
jeff_way 7:19 PM What the hell, dude?
jacobraab 7:19 PM end of sotry
jacobraab 7:19 PM story*
jeff_way 7:19 PM Do you think you can write "end of story" one more time for me?
jacobraab 7:19 PM Sure
jacobraab 7:19 PM " end of story "
jeff_way 7:19 PM thanks
In all three situations, I've been such a nice guy and have been screwed as a result. On a lighter note (but probably more painful), this guy on Yahoo Chess beat me 9 out of 10 games. After the tenth game, he kept saying "Who is your daddy? I am a better. Tell me I am your daddy." I knew I could beat him. I was just getting tired because it was really late. I said, "One more game. If you win, you are my daddy." He then proceeded to sign off and not play me. It is really hard to eat crow like that. I tried searching for him, but no luck. Instead, I thought mean thoughts about him to get him back.
First: I bought and sold an M-Audio Project Mix on Ebay. The winner won it Friday night. On Saturday morning, I tried to mail it, but they closed at 12:00 and I wasn't able to do in time. I emailed him and told him that it would go out first thing Monday morning...which it did. Because he didn't receive it on Tuesday or Wednesday, he files a claim and sends me these emails stating that I am lying and scamming him. I responded with, "Sir, the mail must be going a bit slower because we are nearing the holidays. Here is the tracking number so that you know exactly when it was mailed out. You should have it soon." He won't accept that it is in the mail. He is convinced that I have scammed him and that the tracking number I sent was probably for a pack of "bubblegum". Does the idiot really think that I am going to accept a Paypal payment and then not send it when I know that they can just retract the payment from my account. This is the worst buyer I've ever dealt with in my life. To give you an idea, he sent me an email yesterday stating that he has an "investigator" working on the case right now. It has been 4 days since I mailed it! I can't handle stuff like this.
Second The computer that I brought into Comp USA over a month ago is STILL not fixed. Everytime I call, they treat me like I am an absolute jerk to expect my computer. They say, "Sir. It is stil not fixed. We are waiting on the part." For a month guys?? They are so rude.
Third I sold my ibook a month ago to a girl for her husband who is currently in Iraq. She wanted to pay half immediately, take the computer, and then pay the other half a week later. I really didn't want to do this, but she seemed so nice and her husband had no computer out in I wanted to help. I agreed and obtained a copy of her driver's license, military id, and some other stuff just to make sure I didn't get screwed. It has now been a month and I still don't have my money. I finally emailed her and said, "This is ridiculous. Give me my money by next week or I am calling the police." Supposedly, there was a problem with the money order and it didn't get sent to me. They actually had the nerve to go off on ME for wanting my money. I can't possibly illustrate this more than copying the last conversation with her husband in Iraq. Just keep this in mind while reading: (1) I was so nice to them and gave a computer away without fully being paid for. (2) In a previous conversation with his wife, she apologized for never contacting me about my money. She must have told her husband that she had contact me though. (3) He actually thinks that it is my job to email him every day to get the status of where my money is. When I suggested that it is THEIR job to notify me, he went crazy. This is the classic situation where someone owes you money and says something along the lines of, "Oh, why didn't you remind me?" I hate that crap! I wanted to say, "This is the kind of behavior that fuels the belief that army guys are idiots." Here it is.
jacobraab 7:08 PM And I will get sarcastic
jacobraab 7:08 PM Im going to sit here
jeff_way 7:08 PM I really can't believe you guys
jacobraab 7:08 PM And let you talk trash, just cause we didn't "Update you"
jeff_way 7:08 PM You owe me $400!!!!
jeff_way 7:08 PM Do you not realize that!!
jacobraab 7:08 PM I dont care what you believe.
jacobraab 7:08 PM Yeah no kidding.
jeff_way 7:09 PM The two of you are so young
jacobraab 7:09 PM And
jacobraab 7:09 PM ?
jeff_way 7:09 PM It shows, man.
jeff_way 7:10 PM Instead of apologizing for making me wait a month for money that was promised in a week, the two of you attack me like I'm an asshole. Why? Because I wanted to know where my money was? Because I was worried that two eighteen years old had $400 of my money?
jacobraab 7:10 PM Im not 18yr
jeff_way 7:10 PM Well you act like it
jacobraab 7:10 PM Buddy.......
jeff_way 7:10 PM You have absolutely no right to be mad at me
jeff_way 7:10 PM What have I done to you??
jacobraab 7:11 PM Yeah I do
jeff_way 7:11 PM I gave you a computer that you didn't fully pay for
jacobraab 7:11 PM You get on here and attack money
jeff_way 7:11 PM I was nice to you, you bastard
jacobraab 7:11 PM attack me*
jacobraab 7:11 PM Fuck off
jacobraab 7:11 PM Dude..
jacobraab 7:11 PM You have no idea what you got ur self into
jacobraab 7:11 PM You wanna get on here
jacobraab 7:11 PM and bug me
jacobraab 7:11 PM Because we didnt UPDATE you?
jeff_way 7:11 PM Bug you?
jacobraab 7:11 PM First of all
jeff_way 7:11 PM I was ignored for a week
jacobraab 7:11 PM If we wanted to be real assholes
jeff_way 7:12 PM God forbid that I wonder where my money was
jacobraab 7:12 PM We dont have to pay you anything
jacobraab 7:12 PM For one
jacobraab 7:12 PM there was no contract
jeff_way 7:12 PM Yes you do!
jacobraab 7:12 PM We didnt sign anything
jeff_way 7:12 PM I will call the police right now
jacobraab 7:12 PM Go right ahead
jacobraab 7:12 PM What are you going to tell them?
jeff_way 7:12 PM You really want to screw me over?
jacobraab 7:12 PM No
jacobraab 7:12 PM I dont
jeff_way 7:12 PM Because I was nice to you
jacobraab 7:12 PM Im just saying
jeff_way 7:12 PM Tell me this..
jacobraab 7:12 PM We are going to pay you
jeff_way 7:12 PM what are you mad at me about?
jacobraab 7:12 PM what we owe u
jacobraab 7:12 PM Because man, you got on here accusing my wife and I
jacobraab 7:13 PM About how we didnt contact you
jacobraab 7:13 PM And we did
jacobraab 7:13 PM We did update you
jacobraab 7:13 PM You dont know how to answer your phone
jeff_way 7:13 PM When, man?
jacobraab 7:13 PM or check your voice mails
jeff_way 7:13 PM My phone has NO MESSAGES!
jeff_way 7:13 PM I don't even have any missed calls
jeff_way 7:13 PM Do you think I'm lying? Why would I lie about that, man?
jeff_way 7:14 PM Do you know what your wife did? She got on here and attacked me like I caused her to lose money.
jacobraab 7:14 PM I have no idea. But I know my wife wouldn't lie about trying to contact you
jeff_way 7:14 PM Not until the end of the conversation did she finally apologize
jacobraab 7:14 PM It's totally retarted.
jeff_way 7:14 PM which I appreciated
jacobraab 7:15 PM Yeah well acting like a dick aint going to get you your money any faster
jacobraab 7:15 PM hell calling the cops aint going to get you your money either.
jacobraab 7:15 PM But
jacobraab 7:15 PM we arent going to do that
jacobraab 7:15 PM We are going to pay you what we owe you
jacobraab 7:15 PM and that is 400 dollars
jeff_way 7:15 PM Then why bring it up?
jacobraab 7:15 PM so..
jacobraab 7:15 PM end of story
jeff_way 7:16 PM I don't even know why the hell I was nice to you
jacobraab 7:16 PM I dont know, you want to get all cocky
jeff_way 7:16 PM I've been so patient
jacobraab 7:16 PM about how we didnt update you
jeff_way 7:16 PM Look at it from my point of view....
jeff_way 7:16 PM I have no emails....and a money order that strangely didn't come to my address
jacobraab 7:16 PM Dude
jacobraab 7:16 PM I understand
jacobraab 7:16 PM Okay
jeff_way 7:16 PM Be objective a bit, man
jeff_way 7:16 PM What would you do in this situation?
jacobraab 7:16 PM All you have to do is ask me
jacobraab 7:17 PM I would contact that person and ask them
jacobraab 7:17 PM Thats all I would do.
jeff_way 7:17 PM That is exactly it, dude!
jeff_way 7:17 PM It is not my problem to contact you
jacobraab 7:17 PM You however
jacobraab 7:17 PM went on a rant
jacobraab 7:17 PM Yeah well
jeff_way 7:17 PM You guys should be bending over to contact ME
jacobraab 7:17 PM Fuck that
jacobraab 7:17 PM Suck my dick faggot
jeff_way 7:17 PM I can't believe you
jacobraab 7:17 PM I aint bending over backwards to do ntohing for you
jeff_way 7:17 PM Why not? I was nice to you
jacobraab 7:17 PM We owe you 400, and its going to get to you
jacobraab 7:17 PM end of story.
jeff_way 7:18 PM I gave you a computer a lot cheaper than I would somebody else
jacobraab 7:18 PM Yeah
jacobraab 7:18 PM well 1,000 wasnt even worht that computer
jeff_way 7:18 PM Just because you were in Iraq
jacobraab 7:18 PM Keys are sticking on it.
jacobraab 7:18 PM Shit was dirty when I got it.
jeff_way 7:18 PM The computer worked perfectly when I gave it to your wife
jacobraab 7:18 PM not a bad computer
jacobraab 7:18 PM But 1,000 seemed over priced
jeff_way 7:18 PM I polished that thing to perfection....
jeff_way 7:18 PM It must have gotten dirty in the mail
jacobraab 7:18 PM Well
jacobraab 7:19 PM anyways
jeff_way 7:19 PM You are so mean, man
jeff_way 7:19 PM I was so nice to you and you call me a "fuckin faggot"
jacobraab 7:19 PM 400, by the 15th
jeff_way 7:19 PM What the hell, dude?
jacobraab 7:19 PM end of sotry
jacobraab 7:19 PM story*
jeff_way 7:19 PM Do you think you can write "end of story" one more time for me?
jacobraab 7:19 PM Sure
jacobraab 7:19 PM " end of story "
jeff_way 7:19 PM thanks
In all three situations, I've been such a nice guy and have been screwed as a result. On a lighter note (but probably more painful), this guy on Yahoo Chess beat me 9 out of 10 games. After the tenth game, he kept saying "Who is your daddy? I am a better. Tell me I am your daddy." I knew I could beat him. I was just getting tired because it was really late. I said, "One more game. If you win, you are my daddy." He then proceeded to sign off and not play me. It is really hard to eat crow like that. I tried searching for him, but no luck. Instead, I thought mean thoughts about him to get him back.
Shopping For Clothes
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
You Can't Con A Conman
It is amazing what these freaks try to do. I held a thirty minute instant message conversation with a guy trying to scam me. Read how I make this the dream scam for the guy.
u there?
this is steven from ebay
i will like to purchase ur item
which one?
the xbox
do u have it for sale?
how much do u wanna sell it for?
depends on what the final bid is
are you wanting to buy it now?
yea i wanna make an offer
can i?
what is your offer?
let me offer u $430?
How are you wanting to pay for the item?
am gonna pay u through an echeck that will be sent to ur email address as an attachment and then u will print it out on a business versa check paper then take it to the bank for instant cash
I've never heard of anything like that
I would prefer a cashier's check or through Paypal
u will get ur money before shipping out the item okay?
through that way
Well...I think it is going to end up going for more than $430
It would take $460 right now for me to end the auction
lets make it for 470$ okay?
so do u accept my mode of payment?
I don't have check paper to print it onto
u can get it from the nearest office depot or staples near u okay?
do u have those stores near u?
I suppose so. Why don't you just mail a check?
Make it $460 and overnight a check
When it posts to my account, I'll mail it out
u wont understand because i dont wanna stress u so much
thats why i want the check to be printed okay
I'm a pretty smart guy
lets do it that way okay?
hold on pls?
can u go and get the check paper now?
Why do you care when I get it?
bcoz i want the item shipped tommorow after u have gotten ur money tommorow as well
yea deal
so can u get it now?
and what is the name of ur bank?
and i will also like to discuss the payment with my client now and i will get back to u now in some mins okay?
just hold on for a while
sure thing
5 mins
I will like u to know that when discussing the payment with the client he told me that the amount which u wanna sell the item is a nice price but the fact is that, thet amount is too small for the company to issued out .The minimum amount that can be issued out is $4000 so here is the deal.
U will be sent the check of $4000 then u will have to cash the check tommorow and the transffer the rest to the shipping company through western union money transffer.
The reason is that there are some outstanding dept that we are suppose to pay the shipping company before they can come and pick up the item at ur location, so u will have to send the rest balance to them after u have deducted 500$ then u will have to send the rest balance to them through western union money transffer tommorow.
Let me know if u will be able to do that coz the check has been saved and ready to be sent to u for immediate cash.
Sure that would be great
Gee Golly...You guys sure are nice for giving me such a nice price
I really appreciate your honest generosity
I'll mail the package out tomorrow
thats cool
hold on for me to send u the check now okay?
add me okay
Okay...I'll go ahead and mail the package out before the check clears
I'll do it first thing in the morning so you get it ASAP
I know you're good for the money
add me to ur messanger okay
u still there?
Do you think that maybe I could have $520 instead of $500?
u will get 500 and 20 but u will use 20 for the paper u gonna buy okay?
so i need ur full name for the payment now okay?
Jeffrey Jordan
will u be able to send $3200 to my shipping company tommorow through western union?
Yes...I'll do it right when I wake up
And then I'll deposit the e-check
i will give u the name and address of where to send the money to after u get the check now okay?
yes, sir
I was really hoping to get $540 instead of $520
no man
maybe on next deal okay?
I would really like to work with you again in the future
Maybe if I sell a bag or something like that
thast great
hold on for the check now okay?
So tomorrow, I wake up and mail $3200 to the address
I think you're great
u are not mailing
Do you need my bank account info or anything like that?
Like the bank account number or the routing number?
u will send it through western union money transffer
Although...I would feel a little weird giving out my pin
yea u can give me that as well okay
But I guess I will if you need it
give me ur full acc info okay
this is a win-win situation for everyone account number is "47059725
That is Amsouth
The routing number is 00001498
And my pin is 1488
(My favorite number and my DOB) LOL
what is ur bank address with ur own address as well
Are you sure you can't do $540?
yea i am sure
maybe on the next deal
LIke if I sell a bag or something?
yea maybe
what is ur bank address?
Like the street address?
Can I go ahead and send some money now?
Are you there?
I very much want to continue working with you
Is there a problem?
i am sorry
I was worried
i just got disconnected
am sorry
so hold on for a while okay?
how old are u?
16...But I inherited about $10,000 when my grandfather passed away
I should have to enough to send the money order
Go to...
You freaks make me sick
o u hack?
let me know
i am not going any where man
Do it!
u wanna hack me
No...I want you to go to the page
I'll be your friend if you do
Thanks for the convo
i saw all we have been chating
i now know that u are an hacker
Yes...I am a hacker
Your computer will begin desolving at 12:00 tonight
the t-virus has you
See you
you send me virus
Yes I did
A whopper of a virus
pls hold on
Are you still going to use my account info
let me restart my system first
That won't help
It is over my friend
hold on
i want to work with u bro
are u an hacker?
"are you a hacker?"
that is the proper way to type that sentence
okay thnks friend
so can we work together ?
i need a hacker
like u to make money
okay bro
Are we brothers?
yea we are
where are u really from?
i will tell u mine
I am from India
we dont need to lie to each other
where are you from?
i am from Nigeria
I see
what is ur name?
my name is micheal
Knachmed Caziamel
I will still work with you if you want
I was just kidding around
nice meeting u
so can we deal together?
u there?
this is steven from ebay
i will like to purchase ur item
which one?
the xbox
do u have it for sale?
how much do u wanna sell it for?
depends on what the final bid is
are you wanting to buy it now?
yea i wanna make an offer
can i?
what is your offer?
let me offer u $430?
How are you wanting to pay for the item?
am gonna pay u through an echeck that will be sent to ur email address as an attachment and then u will print it out on a business versa check paper then take it to the bank for instant cash
I've never heard of anything like that
I would prefer a cashier's check or through Paypal
u will get ur money before shipping out the item okay?
through that way
Well...I think it is going to end up going for more than $430
It would take $460 right now for me to end the auction
lets make it for 470$ okay?
so do u accept my mode of payment?
I don't have check paper to print it onto
u can get it from the nearest office depot or staples near u okay?
do u have those stores near u?
I suppose so. Why don't you just mail a check?
Make it $460 and overnight a check
When it posts to my account, I'll mail it out
u wont understand because i dont wanna stress u so much
thats why i want the check to be printed okay
I'm a pretty smart guy
lets do it that way okay?
hold on pls?
can u go and get the check paper now?
Why do you care when I get it?
bcoz i want the item shipped tommorow after u have gotten ur money tommorow as well
yea deal
so can u get it now?
and what is the name of ur bank?
and i will also like to discuss the payment with my client now and i will get back to u now in some mins okay?
just hold on for a while
sure thing
5 mins
I will like u to know that when discussing the payment with the client he told me that the amount which u wanna sell the item is a nice price but the fact is that, thet amount is too small for the company to issued out .The minimum amount that can be issued out is $4000 so here is the deal.
U will be sent the check of $4000 then u will have to cash the check tommorow and the transffer the rest to the shipping company through western union money transffer.
The reason is that there are some outstanding dept that we are suppose to pay the shipping company before they can come and pick up the item at ur location, so u will have to send the rest balance to them after u have deducted 500$ then u will have to send the rest balance to them through western union money transffer tommorow.
Let me know if u will be able to do that coz the check has been saved and ready to be sent to u for immediate cash.
Sure that would be great
Gee Golly...You guys sure are nice for giving me such a nice price
I really appreciate your honest generosity
I'll mail the package out tomorrow
thats cool
hold on for me to send u the check now okay?
add me okay
Okay...I'll go ahead and mail the package out before the check clears
I'll do it first thing in the morning so you get it ASAP
I know you're good for the money
add me to ur messanger okay
u still there?
Do you think that maybe I could have $520 instead of $500?
u will get 500 and 20 but u will use 20 for the paper u gonna buy okay?
so i need ur full name for the payment now okay?
Jeffrey Jordan
will u be able to send $3200 to my shipping company tommorow through western union?
Yes...I'll do it right when I wake up
And then I'll deposit the e-check
i will give u the name and address of where to send the money to after u get the check now okay?
yes, sir
I was really hoping to get $540 instead of $520
no man
maybe on next deal okay?
I would really like to work with you again in the future
Maybe if I sell a bag or something like that
thast great
hold on for the check now okay?
So tomorrow, I wake up and mail $3200 to the address
I think you're great
u are not mailing
Do you need my bank account info or anything like that?
Like the bank account number or the routing number?
u will send it through western union money transffer
Although...I would feel a little weird giving out my pin
yea u can give me that as well okay
But I guess I will if you need it
give me ur full acc info okay
this is a win-win situation for everyone account number is "47059725
That is Amsouth
The routing number is 00001498
And my pin is 1488
(My favorite number and my DOB) LOL
what is ur bank address with ur own address as well
Are you sure you can't do $540?
yea i am sure
maybe on the next deal
LIke if I sell a bag or something?
yea maybe
what is ur bank address?
Like the street address?
Can I go ahead and send some money now?
Are you there?
I very much want to continue working with you
Is there a problem?
i am sorry
I was worried
i just got disconnected
am sorry
so hold on for a while okay?
how old are u?
16...But I inherited about $10,000 when my grandfather passed away
I should have to enough to send the money order
Go to...
You freaks make me sick
o u hack?
let me know
i am not going any where man
Do it!
u wanna hack me
No...I want you to go to the page
I'll be your friend if you do
Thanks for the convo
i saw all we have been chating
i now know that u are an hacker
Yes...I am a hacker
Your computer will begin desolving at 12:00 tonight
the t-virus has you
See you
you send me virus
Yes I did
A whopper of a virus
pls hold on
Are you still going to use my account info
let me restart my system first
That won't help
It is over my friend
hold on
i want to work with u bro
are u an hacker?
"are you a hacker?"
that is the proper way to type that sentence
okay thnks friend
so can we work together ?
i need a hacker
like u to make money
okay bro
Are we brothers?
yea we are
where are u really from?
i will tell u mine
I am from India
we dont need to lie to each other
where are you from?
i am from Nigeria
I see
what is ur name?
my name is micheal
Knachmed Caziamel
I will still work with you if you want
I was just kidding around
nice meeting u
so can we deal together?
Monday, October 23, 2006
How should I put this....I "enhanced" my xbox last week. While cycling through my backup games, I came across "Willow" for NES. That music brought me back. Heather might remember me ruining her game once she got halfway in. Somehow, I managed to erase her guy. Those games bring you back in time like nothing else.
Oh and Kel....if you are getting excited that you're gonna sell that Wine book to me...forget it. I'm having my bid retracted. Allie and I actually thought it would be funny to win it, and then give it back to you guys for Christmas again! preeche
Oh and Kel....if you are getting excited that you're gonna sell that Wine book to me...forget it. I'm having my bid retracted. Allie and I actually thought it would be funny to win it, and then give it back to you guys for Christmas again! preeche
Sunday, October 22, 2006
We Are Go For Launch

If I didn't mention earlier, instead of going into a professional studio and feeling rushed for my cd, I decided to upgrade all of my gear and record it myself.
After about a month of extensive research and question asking, I've gotten everything I need to start recording. It took a long time to figure out everything I needed. The hard part is that I knew what I needed...but I didn't know which one. Take a preamp for example- this is one of the most important items that determines the overall tone of the song- there are hundreds of them. So, I went onto the forums and read and read and read. Here is what I ended up with.
-IMAC; cc. 2 GHZ,1.5 Gigs RAM
-Great River ME-1NV Preamp
-BFD Drum Package (Amazing)
-Pro Tools 7
-M-Audio Project Mix Workstation
-Shure SM-7
-Shure SM57
-Royer 121 Ribbon Mic
-Beyer Dynamic Headphones
-Bunch of Sound proofing for the room
I've also changed the layout for the songs. I'm gonna record two separate cds. One of them will be the quiet acoustic stuff, ala Sail. The other will be much more guitar oriented. Be expecting some cool stuff from the second cd.
CD1: Acoustic
2. Realize
3. Pen and Paper
4. Making Good Time
5. Hard Love
6. Time
7. An I Owe You (maybe)
8. New Love
9. Just Another Game (rewritten lyric)
10. Sail
CD2: Electrified
2. Breakdown
3. Pave the Way
4. Back to Then
5. Little
6. Who Wants to Fight For Love?
7. Up Too Long
(first ever written song. Gotta be on there)
8. Slow Down
And Don't Make Fun of Me For Having The Word "Time" In A Bunch Of The Songs. It Is A Theme Throughout The Cd
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Song of the Week
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Friday, October 06, 2006
Thursday, October 05, 2006
New Office
Funny, funny episode. Especially the "Call of Duty" bits. I also liked how Angela was turned on when Dwight was being a bastard to her.
Blue Christmas, By: Allie
It is finally October. This only means one thing to me. It is time to start shopping for Christmas presents. Jeff insists that I wait until after Halloween, but I refuse to be broke during the Holidays. Why not spread out all that shopping? Who was the first on Allie's list? Why, Jeffrey, of course!
Disclaimer: I can not tell you all what I bought for him because he checks this site. If you have an idea of what I purchased...don't ruin it for him.
After I bought the present, I decided to let the torture begin. I told him I bought his present already. Immediately he wanted hints of any kind so he could try and figure out what it could possibly be. After a couple of days of being badgered about specifics and me teasing him-- he had a few leads:
1. He could keep said gift in the living room.
2. The gift had some electronics and/or software with it.
3. It was originally priced at $600.00, but I paid about $260.00 new.
4. It is about 4ft. tall and almost 40lb.
5. He had mentioned once, a long time ago, that he might want a....someday.
Naturally, his curiousity was heightened. This is wonderful for me, since he can usually always guess what I got him in the past. (He once figured out over the phone, without clues may I add, that I bought him a Napoleon Dynamite shirt.)
Finally one night after many a guess, I caved in. I told him i would just tell him! Jeff waited in anticipation as my mind wandered for something. I blurted out, "I got you a juke box...Like in 'Happy Days!'" Jeff sat there, mouth slightly open in a half grin/grimace. In my moment of victory, I told him I would show him a picture of it on Amazon and it was sooooo cool. Jeff just pretended to be happy and surprised. is so great. In a matter of seconds I had a picture of a tacky jukebox that cost a little under $300.00. Jeff was clearly trying to hide that he was mortified. I explained that it would hold THREE HUNDRED songs AND it had a four star rating.Jeff started mumbling about how I really shouldn't have done it because we haven't decided what we were doing for Christmas yet. I couldn't take it anymore and laughing, I told him he had been punked. He now thinks it is a grandfather clock. HA!

Disclaimer: I can not tell you all what I bought for him because he checks this site. If you have an idea of what I purchased...don't ruin it for him.
After I bought the present, I decided to let the torture begin. I told him I bought his present already. Immediately he wanted hints of any kind so he could try and figure out what it could possibly be. After a couple of days of being badgered about specifics and me teasing him-- he had a few leads:
1. He could keep said gift in the living room.
2. The gift had some electronics and/or software with it.
3. It was originally priced at $600.00, but I paid about $260.00 new.
4. It is about 4ft. tall and almost 40lb.
5. He had mentioned once, a long time ago, that he might want a....someday.
Naturally, his curiousity was heightened. This is wonderful for me, since he can usually always guess what I got him in the past. (He once figured out over the phone, without clues may I add, that I bought him a Napoleon Dynamite shirt.)
Finally one night after many a guess, I caved in. I told him i would just tell him! Jeff waited in anticipation as my mind wandered for something. I blurted out, "I got you a juke box...Like in 'Happy Days!'" Jeff sat there, mouth slightly open in a half grin/grimace. In my moment of victory, I told him I would show him a picture of it on Amazon and it was sooooo cool. Jeff just pretended to be happy and surprised. is so great. In a matter of seconds I had a picture of a tacky jukebox that cost a little under $300.00. Jeff was clearly trying to hide that he was mortified. I explained that it would hold THREE HUNDRED songs AND it had a four star rating.Jeff started mumbling about how I really shouldn't have done it because we haven't decided what we were doing for Christmas yet. I couldn't take it anymore and laughing, I told him he had been punked. He now thinks it is a grandfather clock. HA!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Baja Fresh
Blind Dog Willie Brown?
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Friday, September 29, 2006
Funny Guy Scams Scam Artist
If you feel like a laugh...
Just in case you don't catch the references...."flux capacitor" is from Back to the Future ...."dilithium crystals" is a Star Trek reference....
The whole thing is just hilarious...especially how "Nancy" keeps telling the guy about what she did that weekend instead of getting him her money.
Just in case you don't catch the references...."flux capacitor" is from Back to the Future ...."dilithium crystals" is a Star Trek reference....
The whole thing is just hilarious...especially how "Nancy" keeps telling the guy about what she did that weekend instead of getting him her money.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Message to Kel
Hey Kel...go to and do a search for "kel way". Make sure you use the quotations. Brother out.
Mom's Office
Friday, September 22, 2006
Jim and Pam
Can't say that I really enjoyed the premiere episode of The Office. Although watching Dwight ghost kick Oscar was a classic, the rest of the show was somewhat depressing to me. I don't like this new setup of Jim being somewhere else.
Girlfriend Teleports Jeff to the Next Dimension

First and foremost, I want to announce that this is Allie. The same Allie that is dating Jeffrey. I would like to relate a particularly funny event to you all in blogland. I triumphantly embarrassed Jeffrey. It was a lovely autumn afternoon and Jeff decided to take me to the mall...more specificly to EB Games. As we browsed around, Jeffrey admitted to me in a hushed voice that he was only there to buy Season 4 of Star Trek: Next Generation. I detected that he was slightly embarrassed by this and decided to roll with it. As we approached the counter to pay, Jeff didn't put his find proudly on the counter, but waited until the cashier asked if he needed anything. The scene is as follows:
Allie: "Oh, he wants to buy another Star Trek DVD. You see, he has one at home, but he needs a travel copy for the conventions he goes to."
(Jeffrey blushes and mumbles a negation.)
Allie: "Actually, he was looking for Project Runway, but he couldn't find it."
(Jeffrey tries to tell the guy at the counter that I am only kidding.)
Allie: "Oh, Please! You are such a Trekkie! I had to convince him not to wear his Vulcan ears out in public today."
*Meanwhile the cashier is laughing at Jeff and saying that I am just dissing him hard today and for Jeff not to be embarrassed because lots of guys love Next Generation. Jeff then subscribes to a membership where he got a nifty card, a discount, and two totally awesome GAMER MAGAZINES!!!!
Allie: "Uh oh! With those magazines, you will NEVER come out of the bathroom now!"
Jeff, in retailiation, tells me I'm only allowed a small drink at the coffee shop.
As we left, Jeffrey discussed with me that I have been very bad. He was a brighter red than I have EVER seen. Then it happened.
Cashier: "Hey man, have a good day and don't let it get to you! Most trekkies don't even have girlfriends!"
At this point, Jeff put a death grip on my hand and refused to humor me. He later explained that the last time he went to purchase a Next Generation DVD, that same cashier rang it up for him. Also, he tried to go the night before to purchase it, but seeing that the same guy that sold him Season 3 was working again, he decided it was not worth it if he recognized Jeff. This made it even more funny to see Jeffrey's face once he came back the following afternoon. Hoping he would find a fresh face, Jeffrey, to his dismay, saw the same guy.
He also reexplained that he wasn't a trekkie and it is a great show. After this explaination, there was an extended silence. It was worth it.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
I made a slight update to the song list for the album. I'm hoping to get started in early December with Chris Forte engineering and Michael Mallicote producing.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
"Detached" or "The Quiet Generation"

I will be recording a full ten song cd in the coming months. I'm done with the half-assed crappy recordings I do in my apartment. Expect a finished product sometime around December/January. Track listing as follows:
1. Detached
2. Hard Love
3. Realize
4. Pen and Paper
5. Making Good Time
6. Up Too Long
7. Time
8. Keep the Change
9. Little
10. Sail
I'm still deciding on the title of the cd...It will either be "Detached" or "The Quiet Generation". The album will largely be acoustic with a splash of electric. You may know some of the songs, but they will all sound quite different than you're used to...all except Sail, which stays the same.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Live Long and Prosper
I've lately become obsessed with learning about what will best allow me to live as long as possible. This has led to my use of multivitamins, flaxseed oil (don't like fish), and garlic pills. I recently found this page that has a lot of tips...most notable are: (1)take one asprin every day (2) when you wash your face, let the water dry naturally...don't pad it dry. (3) lots of leafy vegetables eliminate wrinkles (4) ...not sure about the legitimacy of magnetic water yet. Here is the pasted website....
The tips and suggestions given below are deep research and collection of author for the last 30 years in this field. They are most authentic and tested in most of the cases. The suggestions given here can be adopted in your life without any doubt as they don't have any side effect and based on the laws of nature.
Take food less than your hunger - It has been established through experiments that the life expectancy of a person goes up two times, if his food intake is reduced by 40%.
The Golden gifts of the nature for you:-
Pomegranate (Anar)- Contains all the important minerals and vitamins required by our body
Honey - Collected from flowers, a superb gift from nature.
Coconut water - The water of green coconut lifted from the earth, and after processing at many stages stores the health nectar with great potentialities of health and vigour.
Amla - provides us with many essential vitamins, best for all types of heart diseases.
Bel - the superb gift from nature, highly useful for stomach ailments and digestive system.
Take vegetarian and fibrous foods (All raw vegetables and fruits fall in this category) - avoid fried and greasy food..
Take your meals preferably two times a day- Avoid meals after sunset
Food in less quantity but of high nutritious value can lead to a longer and healthier life..
Include in your daily diet - Curd, Amla, Sprouted black grams, Apple, Honey, Almonds, Soyabeans, Lemon, Raw Onion, Garlic (preferably roasted -avoid raw)
Daily intake of green leafy vegetables in large quantity eliminates the wrinkles on face. There are instances of people having improved their eyesight by eating these only.
Yellow ripe Pumpkin (Sitafal) contains beta- Carotene, as found in Carrots and gives energy to the heart.
Totally avoid Tea and coffee - They contain toxic substances, which damage the liver in the long run. Tea takes approximately 6 hours to digest and plays havoc with the metabolism of the body. Continuous consumption of tea or coffee is said to result in damage to modular oblongata, which links up all body nerves with the brain, and therefore, controls all body functions.
Avoid Sugar as far as possible, it brings Aging, Cataract and Acidity.
Keep fast atleast for one day in a week taking only fruits.
Keep fast atleast for 24 hour in a fortnight taking only water.
Keep fast atleast for a day every month, without water.
Instead of bed-tea take hot water.
Daily drink water kept in a copper vessel overnight, with magnet kept underneath it.
Drink water with Rudraaksha beads soaked in it overnight.
At least three times a week take dry fruits/ nuts like Almonds, Peanuts, Raisin etc.
Keep changing your cooking oils to supply the body with all types of necessary nutrients.
Don’t take salt in excess. Use as little salt as possible. Just observe that any food provided by nature is never salty in taste, it is always plain, sour or sweet. Excessive salt corrodes our body like sea water, which is never allowed to be drunk even if a person is thirsty.
Add following sprouts to your daily diet:
Black grams sprouts - for heart and diabetes.
Moong (Green lentil) sprouts - a general tonic
Methi (Fenugreek) seed sprouts - For activeness and diabetes.
Soyabeans - Contains 9 types of proteins
Wheat grains sprouts- for vitamin E and long life
Bottle Gourd (Ghia) - It is packed with nutrition, and recommended for high blood pressure and urinary disorders.
Food supplements & general tonics
Vitamin B complex is the most useful and effective diet supplement and should be added to your daily intake of meals. It is mostly found in the uncooked sprouts of different grains.
Bio-chemic combination no -28 , which contains all the 12 essential salts for the body should be taken regularly. It is a general tonic and should be taken after meals to prevent common diseases.
Daily intake of vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) increases life span of body.
Remember all dairy products produce heart diseases - try to avoid them or restrict their quantity.
Remember all types of spices produce cardiovascular diseases.
Exercise & Yoga
Human body is like an automobile it needs the following:-
Lubrication - Proper exercise is the lubrication of body, it increase circulation and flexibility..
Battery charging - Solar plexus is the battery of body and is charged through Pranayam, the yogic breathing.
Cooling Systems - Relaxation provides the cooling of body.
Fuel - Proper diet, food, air, water and sunlight provides the fuel for body
Balanced Driver - Mind is the driver of body. It can be balanced and controlled by meditation and concentration
Do light exercises regularly.
Don’t do strenuous exercises like fast running, body building as they increase the metabolism rate of your body
Brisk walking is the best exercise to keep control on diabetes and heart problems
By living at a cold place (Hill stations), the metabolism rate of the body decreases and the age increases
Deep breathing up to the naval and retaining it for sometime helps in increasing the life span of a person
The normal ratio of our breathing i.e. inhaling, retaining and exhaling should be 1:4:2
Keep your posture erect
Try inhaling the breath from left nostril during day time and from right nostril during the night time
Our internal organs are more important as our outer organs in keeping us healthy. So to keep the liver, stomach and lungs etc in a healthy state. Daily walking in the morning and evening is very essential.
It is possible to even reverse the heart problems by not using oil or ghee at all, by taking only boiled vegetables, doing yogic exercises, and by living a tension free life.
Mind, Temperament and way of living
There is no yoga greater than the control of mind.
Keep your mind busy and active with lot of physical work.
Keep yourself happy and at peace - avoid anger and hot temperament
By meditation, high blood pressures, forgetfulness & aging process can be controlled
Keep enchanting the Maha-mritunjaya Mantra in case of health problems.
Take life as it comes, don’t get disturbed by the ups and downs of life. Eat & drink in moderation, have religious faith, work hard and adopt the habit of early to bed and early to rise.
It was the finding of survey done in Japan, that a large portion of centenarians were engaged in the Agriculture or Forestry as their primary jobs.
Take hot water after every meals to control the fatness and improve digestion.
Early in the morning, without cleaning your teeth of mouth drink a glass of water so that all the accumulated sliva in your mouth goes back to your stomach. This method in principal is similar to homoeopathy and is used widely in Japan to prolong the life span and cure many diseases automatically.
Mr Morarji Desai, the former Prime-Minister of India resorted to auto-urine therapy when he had tried all types of therapies and failed to get any cure out of them.
After washing your face with water don’t wipe it off. Let it dry itself on the face. It keeps the face skin young and healthy.
Sleep with your head towards south., it helps to improve the blood circulation of body, due to the body’s alignment with earth’s magnetic field.
Sleep with the leg side of your bed higher than your head side. It increases the blood circulation of your body more towards head side. It keeps you young and rejuvenates your body functions.
Take magnetic water -You can prepare it by keeping a glass of water with two magnets, one on top with north pole facing downward and second under it with south pole facing up, kept overnight and drink in the morning.
Daily intake of Aspirin, even one fourth of a 100mg tablet, avoids chances of heart attacks. Aspirin stops the Aging process by keeping the tissues flexible - it is also good for eyes. (Take only with the advice of doctor.)
Daily apply a drop of mustard oil mixed with some water into your nostrils. It is beneficial for your eyes and keeps the breathing passage clear and smooth.
Daily rub mustard oil on the toe of your feet, it helps in the improvement of eyesight.
Smoking, or intake of tobacco in any form narrows down the arteries and restricts the blood circulation.
The secret of Chinese who lived up to 250 Years - Even in modern times there is an instance of a Chinese whose name was “Lichigian” who reached to a life span of 250 years using the great Indian herb called India Pennywort (Brahmi). He said he is regularly using this Indian herb and he has achieved such a long life by regularly using this herb.
Available for the benefit of our web friends - The secrets of people who lived to more than 100 years at very nominal cost through email or in printed form - It also includes the recipes of soups and juices which one must have daily to prolong his life span. A very useful and a must for every one. – Don’t miss the Golden Opportunity as you have only one life to live.
The tips and suggestions given below are deep research and collection of author for the last 30 years in this field. They are most authentic and tested in most of the cases. The suggestions given here can be adopted in your life without any doubt as they don't have any side effect and based on the laws of nature.
Take food less than your hunger - It has been established through experiments that the life expectancy of a person goes up two times, if his food intake is reduced by 40%.
The Golden gifts of the nature for you:-
Pomegranate (Anar)- Contains all the important minerals and vitamins required by our body
Honey - Collected from flowers, a superb gift from nature.
Coconut water - The water of green coconut lifted from the earth, and after processing at many stages stores the health nectar with great potentialities of health and vigour.
Amla - provides us with many essential vitamins, best for all types of heart diseases.
Bel - the superb gift from nature, highly useful for stomach ailments and digestive system.
Take vegetarian and fibrous foods (All raw vegetables and fruits fall in this category) - avoid fried and greasy food..
Take your meals preferably two times a day- Avoid meals after sunset
Food in less quantity but of high nutritious value can lead to a longer and healthier life..
Include in your daily diet - Curd, Amla, Sprouted black grams, Apple, Honey, Almonds, Soyabeans, Lemon, Raw Onion, Garlic (preferably roasted -avoid raw)
Daily intake of green leafy vegetables in large quantity eliminates the wrinkles on face. There are instances of people having improved their eyesight by eating these only.
Yellow ripe Pumpkin (Sitafal) contains beta- Carotene, as found in Carrots and gives energy to the heart.
Totally avoid Tea and coffee - They contain toxic substances, which damage the liver in the long run. Tea takes approximately 6 hours to digest and plays havoc with the metabolism of the body. Continuous consumption of tea or coffee is said to result in damage to modular oblongata, which links up all body nerves with the brain, and therefore, controls all body functions.
Avoid Sugar as far as possible, it brings Aging, Cataract and Acidity.
Keep fast atleast for one day in a week taking only fruits.
Keep fast atleast for 24 hour in a fortnight taking only water.
Keep fast atleast for a day every month, without water.
Instead of bed-tea take hot water.
Daily drink water kept in a copper vessel overnight, with magnet kept underneath it.
Drink water with Rudraaksha beads soaked in it overnight.
At least three times a week take dry fruits/ nuts like Almonds, Peanuts, Raisin etc.
Keep changing your cooking oils to supply the body with all types of necessary nutrients.
Don’t take salt in excess. Use as little salt as possible. Just observe that any food provided by nature is never salty in taste, it is always plain, sour or sweet. Excessive salt corrodes our body like sea water, which is never allowed to be drunk even if a person is thirsty.
Add following sprouts to your daily diet:
Black grams sprouts - for heart and diabetes.
Moong (Green lentil) sprouts - a general tonic
Methi (Fenugreek) seed sprouts - For activeness and diabetes.
Soyabeans - Contains 9 types of proteins
Wheat grains sprouts- for vitamin E and long life
Bottle Gourd (Ghia) - It is packed with nutrition, and recommended for high blood pressure and urinary disorders.
Food supplements & general tonics
Vitamin B complex is the most useful and effective diet supplement and should be added to your daily intake of meals. It is mostly found in the uncooked sprouts of different grains.
Bio-chemic combination no -28 , which contains all the 12 essential salts for the body should be taken regularly. It is a general tonic and should be taken after meals to prevent common diseases.
Daily intake of vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) increases life span of body.
Remember all dairy products produce heart diseases - try to avoid them or restrict their quantity.
Remember all types of spices produce cardiovascular diseases.
Exercise & Yoga
Human body is like an automobile it needs the following:-
Lubrication - Proper exercise is the lubrication of body, it increase circulation and flexibility..
Battery charging - Solar plexus is the battery of body and is charged through Pranayam, the yogic breathing.
Cooling Systems - Relaxation provides the cooling of body.
Fuel - Proper diet, food, air, water and sunlight provides the fuel for body
Balanced Driver - Mind is the driver of body. It can be balanced and controlled by meditation and concentration
Do light exercises regularly.
Don’t do strenuous exercises like fast running, body building as they increase the metabolism rate of your body
Brisk walking is the best exercise to keep control on diabetes and heart problems
By living at a cold place (Hill stations), the metabolism rate of the body decreases and the age increases
Deep breathing up to the naval and retaining it for sometime helps in increasing the life span of a person
The normal ratio of our breathing i.e. inhaling, retaining and exhaling should be 1:4:2
Keep your posture erect
Try inhaling the breath from left nostril during day time and from right nostril during the night time
Our internal organs are more important as our outer organs in keeping us healthy. So to keep the liver, stomach and lungs etc in a healthy state. Daily walking in the morning and evening is very essential.
It is possible to even reverse the heart problems by not using oil or ghee at all, by taking only boiled vegetables, doing yogic exercises, and by living a tension free life.
Mind, Temperament and way of living
There is no yoga greater than the control of mind.
Keep your mind busy and active with lot of physical work.
Keep yourself happy and at peace - avoid anger and hot temperament
By meditation, high blood pressures, forgetfulness & aging process can be controlled
Keep enchanting the Maha-mritunjaya Mantra in case of health problems.
Take life as it comes, don’t get disturbed by the ups and downs of life. Eat & drink in moderation, have religious faith, work hard and adopt the habit of early to bed and early to rise.
It was the finding of survey done in Japan, that a large portion of centenarians were engaged in the Agriculture or Forestry as their primary jobs.
Take hot water after every meals to control the fatness and improve digestion.
Early in the morning, without cleaning your teeth of mouth drink a glass of water so that all the accumulated sliva in your mouth goes back to your stomach. This method in principal is similar to homoeopathy and is used widely in Japan to prolong the life span and cure many diseases automatically.
Mr Morarji Desai, the former Prime-Minister of India resorted to auto-urine therapy when he had tried all types of therapies and failed to get any cure out of them.
After washing your face with water don’t wipe it off. Let it dry itself on the face. It keeps the face skin young and healthy.
Sleep with your head towards south., it helps to improve the blood circulation of body, due to the body’s alignment with earth’s magnetic field.
Sleep with the leg side of your bed higher than your head side. It increases the blood circulation of your body more towards head side. It keeps you young and rejuvenates your body functions.
Take magnetic water -You can prepare it by keeping a glass of water with two magnets, one on top with north pole facing downward and second under it with south pole facing up, kept overnight and drink in the morning.
Daily intake of Aspirin, even one fourth of a 100mg tablet, avoids chances of heart attacks. Aspirin stops the Aging process by keeping the tissues flexible - it is also good for eyes. (Take only with the advice of doctor.)
Daily apply a drop of mustard oil mixed with some water into your nostrils. It is beneficial for your eyes and keeps the breathing passage clear and smooth.
Daily rub mustard oil on the toe of your feet, it helps in the improvement of eyesight.
Smoking, or intake of tobacco in any form narrows down the arteries and restricts the blood circulation.
The secret of Chinese who lived up to 250 Years - Even in modern times there is an instance of a Chinese whose name was “Lichigian” who reached to a life span of 250 years using the great Indian herb called India Pennywort (Brahmi). He said he is regularly using this Indian herb and he has achieved such a long life by regularly using this herb.
Available for the benefit of our web friends - The secrets of people who lived to more than 100 years at very nominal cost through email or in printed form - It also includes the recipes of soups and juices which one must have daily to prolong his life span. A very useful and a must for every one. – Don’t miss the Golden Opportunity as you have only one life to live.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Don't Ride the Break
I never truly understood what this meant, but lately, I've really been getting the hang of it. Downshifting to second gear really allows my engine to do all the braking for me. I just wonder if I'm doing more harm to the increased RPMs being pushed than I am to the brake pads.
Anyone catch the video of the first million dollar winner on WWTBAM? How classic was that to call his dad! I loved it. What a great moment.
Anyone catch the video of the first million dollar winner on WWTBAM? How classic was that to call his dad! I loved it. What a great moment.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Song of the Week
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Sorry, Kel
According to Jessica Simpson on "The View": "I am not dating John Mayer." I hate to slam you like this, Kel. Next time, don't question your brother and don't take the word of a "source" over your brother's logic. Preeche. P.S. I'll be expecting a fruit plate sent to my apartment as an apology and as a token of friendship.
R.I.P. Steve Irwin
Friday, September 01, 2006
John Ain't Dating Jessica
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Fine "Guidos" Dining and Circumcisions
I feel bad right now. For the first time ever, I have left a restaurant having, more or less, not tipped the waiter- unless you call a 39 cent tip a "tip". Let me explain: This bastard waiter at Guido's Pizza in Cool Springs, after bringing Allie and I are initial drinks, completely ignored us for the rest of the night. I spent half of my meal with an empty drink and then had to wait an additional fifteen minutes for him to come by to give us our check. I was nearly to the point of getting up and walking out because of the frustration. It also doesn't help when you see the only other waiter coming to his tables dozens of times throughout your meal, yet you NEVER see your waiter. The crazy thing is that I feel bad about what I did...I hurried out of that restaurant like there was no midnight....even to the point of sacrificing leftover spaghetti that Allie left on the table. As we walked out, Allie said, "Shoot, we forgot the to-go box." "Dammit Allie! Now we can't go back and get it. He's read the note and seen the tip by now. Just leave it."
You might have noticed that I used the word "note". This is because, yes, I did leave our boy a note.
Amount Left=$17.00
Note= "We are both servers (I fudged a bit on my part). If you would actually serve your customers, you would make good tips. Thanks for the refill by the way."
As we got into our car, minus said to-go box, I waited for a bit, sneakily watching through the restaurant window. I needed to see his reaction to the advice and the 39 cents. Although I never did see him, I think he learned his lesson. I thinks it is sometimes a chain reaction when a server sees younger people sit down. He probably thinks, "Damn, kids. They won't tip. I will just ignore them and do my side work." We think, "Damn. This waiter hasn't waited on us at all. We won't tip him." ...It just keeps going on and on like this with every table. Someone stop the chain! Stop it, man!
The sad thing is that because of our terrible meal and serving, Allie and I deduced that this white Cool Springs boy is a product of his rich parents and has never worked more than a four hour shift in his life. He also has no work ethic and is a bastard. In actuality, he probably found out that a grandparent had just died and spent the duration of our meal in the back crying. We will never know the truth. Yet, as always, I left feeling like I was the bad one.

On a lighter note, I received my cirumcision form from Kel from when I was a baby. Did anyone notice that next to length, it said 20 and a half. Yes, I'm big. Probably the biggest one in three counties.
You might have noticed that I used the word "note". This is because, yes, I did leave our boy a note.
Amount Left=$17.00
Note= "We are both servers (I fudged a bit on my part). If you would actually serve your customers, you would make good tips. Thanks for the refill by the way."
As we got into our car, minus said to-go box, I waited for a bit, sneakily watching through the restaurant window. I needed to see his reaction to the advice and the 39 cents. Although I never did see him, I think he learned his lesson. I thinks it is sometimes a chain reaction when a server sees younger people sit down. He probably thinks, "Damn, kids. They won't tip. I will just ignore them and do my side work." We think, "Damn. This waiter hasn't waited on us at all. We won't tip him." ...It just keeps going on and on like this with every table. Someone stop the chain! Stop it, man!
The sad thing is that because of our terrible meal and serving, Allie and I deduced that this white Cool Springs boy is a product of his rich parents and has never worked more than a four hour shift in his life. He also has no work ethic and is a bastard. In actuality, he probably found out that a grandparent had just died and spent the duration of our meal in the back crying. We will never know the truth. Yet, as always, I left feeling like I was the bad one.

On a lighter note, I received my cirumcision form from Kel from when I was a baby. Did anyone notice that next to length, it said 20 and a half. Yes, I'm big. Probably the biggest one in three counties.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
The Office
5 Most Special Movies
My no particular order. These are the five that first came to my mind. Maybe not my favorites.
1. Good Will Hunting (If only for the takedown in the bar; "Do you have any thoughts of your own on this matter?)
2. Contact ("In time, you'll make another move. Small moves, Elle")
3. Back to the Future ("I'd like to get that in writing." 'Yeah, me too.')
4. Shawshank Redemption ("There's a river of dirty money flowing through this place")
5. Rocky IV ("Adrian always tells the truth. Maybe I can't beat him. Maybe, I can take everything he has."
Your turn. Don't diss me for Rocky IV. Anyone that doesn't get emotional watching that movie deserves to have pee placed on their head.
1. Good Will Hunting (If only for the takedown in the bar; "Do you have any thoughts of your own on this matter?)
2. Contact ("In time, you'll make another move. Small moves, Elle")
3. Back to the Future ("I'd like to get that in writing." 'Yeah, me too.')
4. Shawshank Redemption ("There's a river of dirty money flowing through this place")
5. Rocky IV ("Adrian always tells the truth. Maybe I can't beat him. Maybe, I can take everything he has."
Your turn. Don't diss me for Rocky IV. Anyone that doesn't get emotional watching that movie deserves to have pee placed on their head.
Sunday, August 27, 2006

I thought it would be fun to, every month or so, update my current media interests. It would be nice if everyone reading this would post a comment with their current interests also. Here are mine.
"Song Stuck In Your Head": "Slow Dancing In A Burning Room", John Mayer
"Favorite Recently Read Book" "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", J. K. Rowling
"Favorite TV Show of the Year"(Tie) "Project Runway" & "The Office", Bravo and NBC, respectively
"Most Repeated Movie Watches of the Year" "Rounders", Matt Damon, Edward Norton
"Favorite Take-Down Line" "Tell someone, 'You have something in your nose'...then immediately walk away."
"Looking Forward To" "Nintendo Wii and new Zelda"
"Last returned item" "Digital Camera returned after rented for Disney World vacation"
...Now your turn.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Song of the Month
Check out "Slow Dancing In A Burning Room" off of John Mayer's new album, "Continuum". This is one of the best songs I've heard in a long time. Reminds me of everything that I like in music...very beautiful.
Of course, my new song, "Pave the Way" is much better. This song just rocks. No one is gonna tell me that they don't like matter what music they like.
Of course, my new song, "Pave the Way" is much better. This song just rocks. No one is gonna tell me that they don't like matter what music they like.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Once upon a time, Kel and I were forced to leave a movie theatre because some Chinese punk was practicing ghost punches..eventually intended for our faces. Click the link below and you will see what our Chinese friend ended up doing to a pimp. That could have been us!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Kingda Ka

When Kel and I boarded the coaster for Top Thrill Dragster (scared as balls can be), we thought we were about to ride the highest, fastest, and scariest ride available. Unfortunately, it seems that Six Flag's "Great Adventure" is thirty feet higher and 8 mph faster. As Karate Kid's nemesis says, "Second place is no place." It looks like we'll have to plan a trip soon to scale this new unchartered mammoth. I'm thinking four people this time. Allison, me, ...and any two other people.....or four if we can get. Maybe J, A, K, M.....or J,A,Ma,A.....or J, A, M, K....J, A, H, K ......I'd even love to get mom and Damon on this son of a beast. What do you guys think?
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Donkey Buttocks
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