I'd say our hotel room is about 6x6. ...Tiny. The flight from Charlotte to London wasn't too bad, but there are so many steps. Fly....Connection Flight.....Land....Luggage....Convert Currency.....Buy Train Ticket.....Get On Wrong Train....Get Cab.....Wait For Hotel.....etc.
We are both exhausted, but are planning on going out to dinner in the next couple of hours.
While waiting to check into our hotel, we walked about five miles to check out Buckingham Palace. The building is undeniably beautiful, but a little anti-climatic. Allie and I laughed that the only people there were Americans and Chinese people....all with cameras in hand.
Wang wasn't there because he's in the office right next to me as we speak.
I think a few of Wang's brothers might have been, though. Check with him, would ya?
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