I'm spending 20 euros a day to write these damn updates - so enjoy them! That's an order.
I'll catch you guys up on the last few days. We've been having a great time - while walking about 7-8 miles a day. I think Allie has been getting sick of me lately. On more than one occasion, she has told me to get on the wrong subway. She said it was a mistake, but I'm sure that she was calculating.

We've seen most of the main attractions in Paris. Notre Dame was beyond amazing. I am going to post some video of that in an hour when the video finished uploading. We accidentally stumbled upon the Louvre today...but we'll actually go inside tomorrow. Unfortunately, Tom Hanks was no where to be found. I heard the words "Davinci Code" about five times in the short time that we were walking around the building. I'm sure the workers there get pissed off. They have some of the most amazing art work ever created - but all that the people want to see is where Tom Hanks stood at the very end of the movie.
On the way back to our hotel today, we came to a beautiful church surrounded by people with cameras. Something was definitely happening, but we couldn't figure out what. It was definitely celebrity related. We deduced that it must be related to an American celebrity and some sort of wedding. After a bit of waiting, we found out that we were at Eva Longoria and some dude's wedding. Ciao.

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