Ello poppets!This is Allie. This is my point of view (if you are tiring from hearing what the Jeff has to say). Last night we went to Piccadilly Circle. Fun place! But, good Lord it rains alot here! We found a very comfy, Irish pub to settle into for awhile. Afterwards, we walked around until the rain drove us inside a Starbucks. This is turning into a common theme, by the way. It rains...we go to Starbucks. The weather here is sightly schizophrenic. Raining one moment and sunny the next. I digress. We went back to the hotel last night and Jeff slept...alot. I watched two episodes of Star Trek, then finally found sleep. We woke up to what sounded like a man crying in the morning. It was actually a huge pigeon cooing on our window. Then we woke at noon (Jeff lied when he said he set an alarm)to find the maid trying to get in...She wouldn't take no for an answer. Although she wasn't happy, we finally got her to go away. Today we started out by going to a little cafe and then walking alllllll the way to Big Ben, Scotland Yard, Starbucks, Westminster Abbey & Cathedral. It was very fun.
I am going to end this right here by making a few observations...The English dress much cooler than us and this fact wounds me because I tend to consider myself a fashionable gal. Observation number two...Pigeons don't like to fly here. Pigeons walk everywhere and are more pushy than the natives. Lastly, Jeff is still mad they made him get rid of his coke before leaving the pub. I would like to add that I told him they would probably do this before we tried to walk out but he didn't believe me.
Cheers then, Allie

1 comment:
Are you both getting lambasted in Paris yet?
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