Saturday, December 03, 2005


I've learned that we can never truly appreciate how brilliant people are unless we barely do what they do. Take Einstein for instance, please.....take him!!! LOL! But let me get serious on you folks; we all understand how brilliant that guy was...but take a look at his math documents and then you really get it. I've always considered myself to excel in the math arena but after looking at one of those books (and realizing that I didn't know what even ONE symbol meant), I slowly realized that, instead of an arena, I was in something similar to a barn. I'm sad to say that I stick with the "EINSTEIN FOR DUMMIES" books...but here is the truthfully sad thing...I have a hard time understanding the dummy books. I guess that old saying about the cow and the horse really is the truth. (balls)

Bon Scott is another of those brilliant individuals. When you aren't trying to replicate his fleshy, scratchy voice, you accept that he has a good voice and that is about as far as it goes. Yesterday, I spent the entire day trying to achieve some simblance of that sound while recording. I was able to get the tracks to sound as good as loose balls (as Kel says a lot), but once the vocal goes on everything falls apart. Kinda like Rudy, I guess I should just accept that some people were made to play like Bon (or be football players in Rudy's case) and I am not one of them. Matt if you are reading this- I wouldn't mind if you came over one day to record the vocals for me. The song has a good "Hail Caesarish" feel to it and just needs a grundgier voice on it. It is called "Toasted" and is about people getting burnt. Zach would probably dance to it.


Anonymous said...

Brian, if you're reading this, Jeff could use a hand.

Anonymous said...

Didn't our family have some hand puppet rooster named Rudy? I hadn't remembered this until now. I really liked that thing. - H

Jeffrey J Way said...

I was speaking about the movie "Rudy"

Anonymous said...

I know. And I'm speaking of a hand puppet