Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Sorry, Kel

According to Jessica Simpson on "The View": "I am not dating John Mayer." I hate to slam you like this, Kel. Next time, don't question your brother and don't take the word of a "source" over your brother's logic. Preeche. P.S. I'll be expecting a fruit plate sent to my apartment as an apology and as a token of friendship.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Jeffrey J Way said...

Dude...give it up. When she goes on tv and says, "I'm not dating him." ....that is the end of the discussion. Both of them, individually, have come out and said that it isn't true. Admit defeat and send me a fruit plate.

Anonymous said...

This isn't kel.

Anonymous said...

more like one of your new sisters.

Jeffrey J Way said...

Oh, I thought you were Kel. Well never-the-less, you can still buy me a fruit plate....as a way of saying thank you for letting my brother be with you.

Jeffrey J Way said...

We should both take a step back and realize how low we've sunk. We're discussing the love lives of two people we've never, and will never, meet. Pretty sad...especially for me. I'm a guy. I'm gonna go watch Rocky to re"man"itize myself.

Anonymous said...

Jeff - none of these comments about JM have been from me... I'm a guy's guy - kind of like Rocky and the Brawny man.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
