Thursday, January 24, 2008

Current Obsessions

I both love and hate the fact that I am an obsessive person. On one hand, I'm able to learn things very quickly. I'll just sit and study until I figure it out. On the other hand, if I like a cd or tv show, I'll watch it to death.

Current Obsessions:

X Files: I bought season 1 because it was $15 at Best Buy. I am now addicted and have bought the first five. Plus...I'm extremely excited for the new movie coming out this summer.

The Big Bang Theory: Comes on Monday night around 7 on CBS. Very...very funny show.

CSS Mastery: Very good book for advanced CSS.

Sony has a new touch screen digital camera that I love. The thing rocks. The irritating thing about cameras is that every six months, they become obsolete.

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