Friday, January 06, 2006


Okay.....we've made it as far as JFK Airport. Currently, we're at Sam Adams Bar and Grille after walking about thirty minutes. We've been looking for Tom Hanks, but I haven't found him yet, although I did spot the Burger King that he bought hamburgers from. While waiting for my Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad, Kel and I are stealing internet access from "Swiss Lounge"....whoever that is. We have about a six hour delay before embarking on our quest for Belgium. I will update again after checking into the hotel. The highlight of the trip so far was watching Kel start up his computer only to find Johnny Cash's "Hurt" blaring out of the computer speakers for all the customers to hear. Talk about ironic....two brothers from of them listening to Johnny Cash in New York. As he frantically tried to turn it down, I could only sit and laugh...for his pain. Good things.

P.S. Allie- I hate to do this, but according to Kel and the internet, the trip to Brazil is approximately 8 hours. Not sure about the 20 hours....I hope you weren't telling a black fib to your boyfriend. Bye


Anonymous said...

He's lying... We never saw the Burger King. We saw a McDonalds, a Sbarros, and some others. No Burger King. I think was erected specifically for the movie in a vacant area of the airport.

Anonymous said...

Ummmm...It was an 8 hour flight for your bro- not me...If you would like to check, go to and put from Nashville to Sao Paulo and see that it is a 19-20 hour flight...thank you very much. Don't front what you can't back, fool. I love ya and miss ya and all that stuff....DO YOU LIKE YOU BOOK? Going to Las Palmas with the girls tonight-
P.S. It is terrible how lonely I am already and you are only over the ocean. Job hunting went well today. They are hiring at Davy Crocketts- I feel so deliciously white trash! Allie

Anonymous said...

So far I am not impressed with the pictures. Your shining faces look pretty much the same as they did a few days ago. By the time you read this you will be sooooo jet-lagged. Have a great adventure and give my regards to Mr. Hanks when you see him. Luv you both, Mom

Anonymous said...

Allie, only a silly goose would include a 10 hour layover as part of the flight time!

Jeffrey J Way said...

Yes, Allie....but what you didn't realize was that there was an 9-10 hour delay between cities. You and I were debating air time only. Sorry to front what I couldn't back.

Anonymous said...

You boys...Do you enjoy picking on a little girl? Is this what you brothers find fun? Ganging up on me when you are safely out of the country? Tsk. Tsk. I had a 1 hour layover... I remember that very very very clearly. Jeff, don't tell me what i don't "realize"- it is rude and will make me miss you less. Have a good time. Allie